Put simply, knowing how to budget, save money, and even potentially join the finance market helps teenagers walk into adulthood with better money management skills and can help prevent the excessive debt that impacts millions of people every year. 

Thankfully, there are many unique training opportunities for high school teens that can help them master finance on many levels. Often, these courses take place over the summer and help high school students master multiple financial concepts in just a few weeks. That’s a fantastic experience and one that’s more than worth the time and money investment. Parents and teens interested in this subject should read on to learn more about their many options. 

What Finance courses are available for high school students?

Teenagers fascinated by finance, stock market investing, entrepreneurship, and business ownership can choose from multiple training options. These include colleges and universities in their area that might provide dual-enrollment opportunities. However, high school teens nowhere near a college or who want a faster, less expensive training option may want to try the one to three-week programs available from NextGen Bootcamp, Noble Desktop, and CourseHorse.

These educational teams provide hands-on learning opportunities, including in-person classes and live virtual courses. These fun and innovative programs feature skilled professors, fully licensed learning, project-based studies, and tech-based lessons that should captivate a teen’s imagination. Most take place over the summer and have a bootcamp or summer camp feel that gives high school students the chance to meet new friends in a surprisingly fun environment.

NextGen Bootcamp

NextGen Bootcamp is a popular training team focused exclusively on the needs of high school students. It provides in-person courses in New York City and online training elsewhere, including finance summer camps for teens. These fascinating classes will teach teenagers subjects like Excel, Investing, budgeting, and other vital topics. Most bootcamps take just a few weeks to finish, meaning teens taking them should have lots of time to have fun after the program is over. 

Learn finance with hands-on projects at the top finance bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

During each session, teens get hands-on training from an actual professor who profoundly understands their personal learning style. Sessions also focus on every student and their needs to help them master complex concepts more quickly and effectively. Each course uses real-world training exercises and hands-on projects that students compile into a useful profile that they can share with college application boards and even potential employers years later.

Excel, Finance, & Investing Summer Program Live Online

Excel, Finance, & Investing Summer Program Live Online is an interactive course that features small class sizes that give students more 1-on-1 time with their professor. Each session takes just three hours (completed after two weeks), meaning teens have plenty of time to relax and have fun during summer. Designed for students interested in finance, real estate, entrepreneurship, and finance, it includes in-depth exercises that make this process enjoyable. 

For example, teens start by learning Microsoft Excel and its advanced tools, such as Pivot Tables, VLOOKUP, workflow automation, data entry, and chart production. Then, they’ll learn about stocks, including how they’re valued (using P/E ratios and DCF analysis), what affects prices, and how to make money by trading. Teens can also take the Excel, Finance, & Investing Summer Program NYC course in-person if they live in New York City.

FinTech Summer Program Live Online

FinTech Summer Program Live Online teaches teenagers about the vital world of financial tech. As one of the biggest markets in the finance world today, FinTech provides computer-savvy teens with a unique learning experience and a realm of fascinating career opportunities. In this course, teenagers learn about essential topics like Excel, finance and investing, and related topics (like Pivot Tables, P/E ratios, DCFY analysis, and VLOOKUP).

However, this course goes beyond most other finance programs by teaching students about Python. Python is the world’s most popular coding language and is heavily used in data science. FinTech often requires data management tools, like cloud databases, that require coding languages to run correctly. Thankfully, Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, so students shouldn’t be too challenged by this fascinating and rewarding experience.

Noble Desktop 

Formed in 1991, Noble Desktop is an award-winning training team fully licensed by New York State to provide innovative and exciting education to high school teens, college students, and adults. Though in-person classes are limited to The Big Apple, Noble helped innovate the live virtual education process. This setup lets students learn in a real-time environment online, meaning they can talk with their professor or fellow students rather than simply watch a video. 

With dozens of courses on many fascinating subjects, Noble provides teens and their parents with an affordable, fast-paced, and exciting way to master finance subjects. Other benefits include a free retake if the student fails (or simply wants to relearn important subjects) and financing options to help make classes more affordable. With skilled professors who genuinely love what they do, Noble Desktop is an excellent opportunity for teens to join the finance world.

Stock Market Investing

Stock Market Investing teaches teens about the fundamentals of stock market valuation, stock movements, and various techniques that make these processes easier. They’ll learn how stock prices are affected, practice analyzing them with tools like P/E ratios, DCF analysis, and earning releases, and gain a strong understanding of the market. Students aren’t taught how to “get rich quick” but learn methods that help build their investing skills and ensure they feel comfortable. 

The principles covered in these courses were innovated by experts like Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham, people who have made billions of dollars through careful long-term investments. This six-hour class will help teens prepare for the fascinating world of stock market trading without costing them a lot of money. It works well when paired with other similar Noble Desktop courses. These will provide the strong backing a student needs to thrive.

Python for Finance Bootcamp

Python for Finance Bootcamp focuses heavily on teaching students about the Python coding language. As the most popular programming option in the world today, Python is easy to learn, adaptable, and amazingly beneficial to the finance world. For example, students who master Python can create financial libraries, gather and manipulate data, fetch APIs to understand company info, analyze economic information, and even build risk models for their clients. 

Before taking this course, teens must take Python for Data Science Bootcamp. This class covers critical fundamental ideas like built-in data types, data structures, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Students should also know about things like IRR, NPV, financial statements, and stock fundamentals. Thankfully, teens who don’t know about these concepts can contact Noble Desktop for a free learning guide that helps them master these ideas before class begins!

What Finance private tutoring options are available?

CourseHorse provides teens with multiple unique tutoring opportunities from a variety of providers. Booking with CourseHorse creates many powerful advantages, such as earning rewards whenever setting up a class and access to many unique subjects. While CourseHorse classes often cover professional subjects like business, programming, and finance, they also include art, drawing, painting, cooking, and performing arts classes for actors and comedians. 

Its finance tutoring comes directly from Noble Desktop, though providers as diverse as NYC Career Centers and NYIM Training also provide fascinating learning opportunities. CourseHorse's sheer number of courses and educational teams makes it one of the most popular and effective ways to learn finance and other subjects. In fact, many of its programs are fast-paced and inexpensive, making them far more attractive to many teen learners.

Excel Virtual Private Tutoring

Excel Virtual Private Tutoring provides three hours of personalized, 1-on-1 learning from a skilled expert who will work directly with each student to build their skills. For example, teenagers can learn about calculations, graphics, formatting, printing, and functions in a safe and friendly environment. Teens who struggle with social anxiety or who simply learn better in a 1-on-1 environment will likely thrive in this course and walk away with high Excel mastery.

After completing the course, students receive a free video suite to touch up their skills! These lessons include a beginner-friendly approach that teens can study whenever they want to better understand basic, intermediate, and advanced Excel subjects. CourseHorse encourages students who take this private tutoring session to watch this complete suite of videos to solidify their knowledge and create real-world Excel projects for high school or college course studies.

Python Private Tutoring

Python Private Tutoring helps students interested in FinTech master Python, an essential programming language for this market. In each two-hour session, teens get access to 1-on-1 on sessions tailored to their learning pace, style, and goals. They’ll work directly with their professor to master complex subjects, such as object-oriented programming (OOP), important control-flow statements, and database production using high-quality Python syntax concepts.

Teens will also learn about built-in data types and other core programming concepts to walk away with a strong understanding of Python. Furthermore, they will practice important coding interview questions that can help prove their skills. For example, they might learn about standard programming exercises companies give out to test their knowledge. Knowing what to expect before applying for a job can help teens produce extraordinary results and get a gig.

What will you learn in a Finance course?

Teens taking a finance course will learn many important and fascinating subjects. These comprehensive and intricate ideas help high school students easily transition into college programs or jump into internships after college. The following subjects are the most likely things a teen will learn in a finance course, though this varies depending on what careers they pursue.


Knowing how to plan a personal or business budget can help teens save money, minimize their spending, and even help their employers thrive. As a result, most financial courses start with common budgeting ideas, such as tracking expenses and reducing unnecessary payments. Subjects like these are universal and can apply to fields beyond finance, making them essential. 


Investing takes on many forms, including the stock market, entrepreneurship, and even commodities. Teens fascinated by the world of investing (and the chance to make good money) will learn about this critical subject in a hands-on finance class. In this way, they can jump right into this market after college and hopefully make good money in all their investments.


Teenagers taking finance classes will learn about software like Excel, Sheets, and FinTech tools like Stripe Payments. They may also study physical database hardware, learn how to sync software properly, and much more. All these skills help high school students better handle financial planning while minimizing potential costly mistakes in their budgeting processes.


Teens interested in the FinTech market must master important coding concepts before starting their careers. For example, they must understand Python, SQL, cloud computing, and other essential concepts to create databases, automate info collection, and create beautiful visuals. Even finance careers outside FinTech may require coding, making it an essential skill to master.

Is Finance Hard to Learn for High Schoolers?

Learning finance as a high schooler isn’t necessarily impossibly challenging. Yes, it will definitely require teens to study hard, practice their lessons, and study outside their lessons. They must also learn about essential software subjects like Python, SQL, and Microsoft Excel. Don’t forget, too, that some teens may learn at different speeds and master complex ideas more quickly. For example, some might intuitively understand investing while others struggle to grasp it. 

The most challenging part about mastering finance is likely the sheer amount of data teens must process. For example, they might handle hundreds or even thousands of transaction details, which can be heady for teens without strong organizational skills. Furthermore, understanding basic financial formulas may frustrate many teens. Though these formulas aren’t necessarily complex, knowing when to use them will take training and real-world experience in finance.

Students must also carefully decide what career focus interests them the most in finance. Some may want to become bankers and work directly in this market, while others might enjoy entrepreneurship or investing instead. Each field requires mastering different subjects, such as Python, SQL, and stock market analysis. Thankfully, Noble Desktop and NextGen Bootcamps can provide career support to help teens choose the best path for their future.

Can high school students learn finance?

There’s no reason why even young high school students can’t learn and master complex finance concepts! In fact, many of the core tenets of the financial world are surprisingly easy to master by taking a summer course. For example, you can learn how to make a budget by examining what you spend, decreasing unnecessary costs, and boosting your earnings. That’s a considerable skill that can help you in almost every walk of life and career that interests you.

Should high school students attend a finance summer program?

It’s a wise investment for parents to send their high school teens to a finance summer program. Financial literacy is at an all-time low, and many teens fresh out of school make many mistakes and get into serious trouble later in life. Credit card debt, student loans, and excessive spending can significantly impact a teen’s development and hold them back for years. Thankfully, finance programs can help teens prepare for better careers and use their money better.

Which finance summer program is best for high school students?

NextGen Bootcamp is one of the most trusted high-school learning programs. They use hands-on training from real experts in small class sizes (with hands-on exercises) to teach teens about important technology, coding, business, and finance lessons. Excel, Finance, & Investing Summer Program Live Online teaches these lessons from home. Rather than attending an in-person class, you can study with your parents and teach them something new.

Is it worth attending a finance summer program as a high school student?

Any teenager interested in banking, finance, and investing careers should seriously consider taking a summer course. These classes will immerse you in important finance concepts, help you save more effectively, and help you prepare for college. That’s a huge benefit even if you’re not interested in financial careers. Imagine knowing how to budget your finances and save money properly. Those skills can translate to almost any area of your life and keep you happy.