Excel certification can help demonstrate to employers that you have a solid foundation in Excel, but is it necessary for Data Analysts to pass this certification to get a job? This article will explore whether becoming certified in Excel is essential for becoming a Data Analyst.

How do Data Analysts Use Excel?

Data Analysts are tasked with analyzing large datasets in order to find trends or patterns. Their findings provide valuable insights that are then used to help an organization make decisions. Data Analysts often use a variety of tools, programming languages, and applications to help analyze and visualize data, such as Tableau, Python, and Excel. Excel is one of the core applications used by Data Analysts. 

Excel helps Data Analysts perform fast analysis, format data into charts or tables, highlight figures, or create sparklines, often using just a few clicks. It also allows them to more easily retrieve complex data, as well as to customize functions or fields to make calculations. With the help of Excel, segmented data can be analyzed and visualized without having to use any other software, making it a powerful tool for Data Analysts who need to share information with others.

The following are just a few of Excel’s most helpful tools for Data Analysts:

  • VLOOKUP is used to retrieve information from datasets, as well as to combine two datasets.
  • PivotTables allow Data Analysts to aggregate data so that they can isolate a portion of it without having to add manual filters.
  • FIND/SEARCH is an Excel function that can extract and isolate information that is part of a larger dataset.
  • CONCATENATE is a formula used to combine dates, numbers, or text from various cells into one cell. It can also create API endpoints or Java Queries.
  • Text formulas are functions like RIGHT, LEFT, and SUBSTITUTE that can be used to separate a limited volume of text from a larger dataset.
  • Macros are actions or sets of actions designed to automate Excel tasks that must be performed repeatedly. 
  • Conditional formatting distinguishes the important data on a spreadsheet from less-important data.
  • SUMIFS help Data Analysts establish criteria, then sum the values within the specified range that satisfies that criteria.
  • Analysis ToolPak helps Data Analysts perform various kinds of statistical testing directly from their Excel notebook.

What is Microsoft Excel Certification?

Those who achieve certification in Microsoft Excel have indicated that they’ve acquired the skills necessary to work with various aspects of an Excel worksheet or workbook. This certification demonstrates an ability to perform data analysis on large spreadsheets, create PivotTables, and use VBA to make macros that can be used to automate repetitive tasks. Tasks such as these are essential to help Data Analysts work with data. 

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Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification in Excel requires test-takers to complete various spreadsheet tasks and to do so within a limited amount of time and by using only a certain number of clicks on the keyboard. These limitations are in place to show that the person taking the exam knows the Excel interface well enough to avoid having to scroll through menus or toolbars to complete tasks. It also indicates that the test-taker could work in a fast-paced, real-world environment with Excel, as many Data Analysts do.

What Does it Take to Earn MOS Certification?

MOS Certification is available in the core Microsoft applications: Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access, and Outlook. The exam that’s required for certification asks testers to complete a series of tasks using the specified application and to do within the time limit and using only a certain number of keyboard clicks. These limitations are imposed to ensure that test-taker knows the program they are being tested on well enough that they don’t have to search through toolbars or menus to complete the task. 

Three levels of Excel certification are currently offered: 

  • Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Associate Certification: This level of certification covers the fundamental Excel features, such as managing worksheets and workbooks. In order to pass, test-takers must also show that they can make cells, ranges, and tables, as well as use formulas and functions, to create charts and objects.
  • Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Expert Certification: Those who achieve this Excel certification level can create, as well as edit and share, professional-level spreadsheets. In addition, Expert certification indicates a mastery of advanced formulas, tables, charts, and macros. 
  • Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Master Certification: Master-level MOS certification entails passing Expert-level exams in Microsoft Excel and Word, in addition to PowerPoint and one additional Office application, such as Access or Outlook. This is the highest level of Microsoft Office certification.

Is Excel Certification Necessary to be a Data Analyst?

The three levels of Excel certification cover many of these core data analytic concepts, such as macros, PivotTables, and conditional formatting, among others. For this reason, if you achieve Excel certification, an employer would know that you are proficient with this application’s various analysis features. This is a great way to distinguish yourself from other candidates who have not devoted the time needed to study to earn a certificate. 

However, most jobs in data analysis do not require Excel certification. Instead, they often express that candidate be proficient in Excel as a prerequisite for applying. Although Excel certification isn’t essential for most Data Analyst positions, a solid understanding of this spreadsheet application, as well as a working knowledge ofits various formulas, functions, and data visualization capabilities, is a must for anyone who wishes to become a Data Analyst.

Start Learning Excel with Hands-On Classes

A great way to learn more about how to format in Microsoft Excel is to enroll in one of Noble Desktop’s Excel courses in NYC and live online. Courses are available for those who are new to Excel, as well as learners who regularly work with this spreadsheet application and wish to brush up on their skills. In addition, there are also in-person and live online Excel courses available through Noble Desktop or one of its affiliate schools. A variety of course options are offered, ranging in duration from three hours to two days and costing between $229 and $1,099. 

For aspiring Data Analysts, Noble Desktop also offers a Data Analytics Certificate, which is available in-person in NYC as well as live online. This course covers a variety of data analytic tools, such as how to make data visualizations, statistical techniques, and core business intelligence concepts. Certificate study comes with one-on-one mentoring, and all students have the option of retaking the class for free to revisit content material.

Those interested in studying close to home can also browse over 400 in-person Microsoft Office classes in a city near you to find local Excel study options.