While it’s tempting to say careers like carpentry and plumbing don’t, even they use advanced computing tools these days! As a result, ambitious teenagers – no matter their life – may find these programs beneficial for college and professional careers.

Before just signing up for the first computer science course you find, it’s a good idea to investigate your options. Today’s educational market has many training teams, and it’s fair to say that some are better than others. The choices we’ll highlight here come from some of the most trusted learning institutions in the nation. They’ll help prepare you for the unique demands of computer science and ensure that you feel comfortable in whatever field you join.

What Computer Science courses are available for high school students?

Learning computer science in high school is smart if you’re bound for the tech world! You’ll learn all about important computing concepts, like coding languages, databases, etc. Just as critically, you’ll get support from in-depth teachers who will ensure you fully understand these topics and can use them effectively. Thankfully, organizations like NextGen Bootcamp and Noble Desktop can provide industry-leading education that prepares you for college or a career.

NextGen Bootcamp

Since its foundation in 2016, NextGen Bootcamp has built a reputation for excellence, making it an excellent option for high school students. With student-centered learning opportunities in summer camp settings, NextGen provides a unique experience with small classes, expert professors, and fascinating hands-on activities. All their courses work you through your learning in incremental steps to get you to the next level, particularly if you’ve never studied a subject. 

Don’t worry about losing your summer vacation, either: each class typically takes no more than 2-3 weeks to complete, meaning you’ll not only spend time with fun new friends but also get out for summer vacation! That attention to detail makes NextGen Bootcamp an amazing choice for high school teenagers, particularly those who have a lot of fun adventures planned. When you’re done, you’ll have the learning experience you want for your computer science work.

Python Data Science & AI Machine Learning Program NYC

Learn computer science with hands-on projects at the top coding bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

Python Data Science & AI Machine Learning Program NYC (also available as Python Data Science & AI Machine Learning Live Online) covers subjects as diverse as Python syntax, if/else loops, and data science. You’ll learn about Pandas, Matplotlib, and Sci-Kit learn, among many other concepts. As you progress through the class, you’ll build your skills and become a more robust coder. Even better, you’ll earn a certificate proving your skills in this language!

Java Summer Program NYC

Java Summer Program NYC not only prepares teens for the AP Computer Science exam but covers comprehensive Java education as well. You’ll learn about this in-depth language, how it’s used in the computer science industry, and ways you can integrate it into your education. With an intensive course held by trusted experts, you should feel more than comfortable handling Java. Get the same experience virtually with Java Programming Summer Program Live Online.

Computer Science Summer Program NYC

Computer Science Summer Program NYC provides comprehensive learning opportunities for high school students by focusing on the two most popular coding languages: Java and Python. Sessions will cover topics such as object-oriented programming, recursion, data science, visualization, and more. When you finish this course (or its online equivalent, Computer Science Summer Certificate Program Live Online), you’ll be ready for the AP Computer Science exam.

Noble Desktop 

Ever since its formation in 1991, Noble Desktop has provided business and tech training to thousands of students in New York City and beyond. Though initially just an in-person facility in NYC, Noble has advanced to include live virtual education in all areas of the nation. As long as you have a computer and a strong internet connection, you can take a Noble Desktop course. Designed to be beginner-friendly, these classes provide many unique advantages. 

For instance, they often have 1-on-1 training options with skilled experts who can reinforce important lessons that might get missed in session. For instance, teachers can focus on weak spots in your learning and help you master them more efficiently. Other advantages include small class sizes (no more than 20) and hands-on lessons based on real-world situations. In this way, it should be easy to master the complexities of these fascinating subjects. 

Java Programming High School Summer Program Live Online

Java Programming High School Summer Program Live Online provides a comprehensive training program designed for beginners with no experience in coding or Java. You’ll start with the most basic ideas (including objects, classes, and more) and progress to higher-level concepts. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to take the AR Computer Science exam. When you’re done, you should feel comfortable working in a variety of career settings. 

Computer Science High School Summer Certificate Live Online

Computer Science High School Summer Certificate Live Online is one of Noble Desktop’s most popular high school summer courses. It covers both Java and Python, meaning you’ll walk away knowing the basics of the two most popular coding options! Set up for 13-18-year-old students, it’s also suitable for college students. Alongside Java and Python, you’ll study data science and machine learning concepts that you can take forward into your future career. 

Python for Automation

Python for Automation covers important automation concepts, like using loops to extract and process data from websites. You’ll cover Python and topics like HTML, CSS, web scraping, storage, scheduling, and sorting data. These tools can help prepare you for many jobs, including data scientist, statistician, etc. Small and focused classes give you lots of one-on-one time with your teacher, even when learning online.

What Computer Science private tutoring options are available?

Private tutoring provides high schoolers with a one-on-one learning experience with real experts. You’ll sit down with a skilled tutor and get hands-on support learning lessons on topics where you might be weaker. CourseHorse provides multiple computing-related training options that might interest you. Just a few that you can try out include:

  • Java Private Tutoring: Learn how to handle Java coding with one-on-one instruction from industry experts. Focus on your weakest areas and build your strengths to become the kind of coder you deserve. Use these skills in other related fields to stay strong!
  • Python Private Tutoring: Interested in mastering Python but stuck on a difficult lesson? Sign up for this course to get the expert support you need. You and your professor can boost your knowledge by fighting through your confusion with these lessons. 

What will you learn in a Computer Science course?

Computer science classes cover multiple fascinating subjects, each of which builds on the other to create comprehensive knowledge. Anyone taking a computer science class will walk away with a strong understanding of concepts as diverse as multiple programming languages, software production, hardware design, and cloud computing. The subjects outlined below here are just a few that a standard computer science program will cover throughout its duration.

Programming Languages 

The sheer number of programming languages (over 700 to 9,000 languages, based on the best estimates) can be overwhelming to grasp without a good computer science course. Most people won’t need to know more than two or three in their career, sometimes even fewer. Thankfully, a comprehensive computer science program will cover several types to provide a stronger overall knowledge. Commonly studied languages include Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript.

Cloud Computing 

These days, the vast and somewhat mysterious “cloud” handles much of the world’s computing needs. For example, many software suites run entirely in the cloud without needing to be downloaded to specific computers. As a result, anyone interested in computer science may want to study this vital subject. Depending on the class, lessons will vary in intensity. Some might only touch on cloud computing, while others provide a complete learning experience.

Software Development

Many programming and coding professionals become software developers because the market demand is so huge. After all, the apps that pop up on phones, computers, and tablets have to come from somewhere. Thankfully, most computer science classes cover proper software development steps, including brainstorming a useful purpose for a program, prototyping based on early documents, and bug-testing the final result to ensure higher quality levels.

Data Analysis

Big data is a huge business these days, and many computer science courses make it a mandatory part of their lesson plans. As a result, subjects like Python (useful for database creation), SQL (helps manage information flow and presentation), and database management (like cloud-based tools and warehouse-sized data storage centers) may show up in many computer science courses. Understanding each can make future training a little easier to grasp.

Network Management 

While many computer science experts work with software, programs, and apps, network management is also critically important. In fact, knowing how to set up computers, handle networking connections, and work with miles of electrical cables are critical skills in many careers. For example, network engineers must understand complex network hardware and software alongside various security tools. These help keep information safe and protected.

Is Computer Science Hard to Learn for High Schoolers?

Computer science is a comprehensive field with numerous disciplines and subdisciplines. That complexity is probably the hardest part of taking a computer science course in high school. For example, you’ll study software design, information systems, automation, data visualization, web design, coding languages, and many other subjects, all of which are used in different ways in varying industries! If you’re a teenager who’s getting into this subject, choosing can be tough.

For example, deciding whether to be a programmer, a web developer, a data scientist, or even a computer teacher may challenge even the smartest teenager. That said, broad computer science courses typically provide multiple subjects on various topics to help make it easier to choose. Some might find that Python makes the most sense, while others prefer working with Java or other languages. Trying these various concepts one by one makes choosing easier.

Can high school students learn computer science?

Absolutely, and learning computer science can provide you with a fascinating array of excellent benefits! First, you can start coding fun and useful apps you can quickly sell for money using Android and Apple stores. Even better, you can easily transition into college-based courses and master more advanced concepts like database management, computer science theory, and more. Knowing all these techniques can help you become a more skilled coder.

Should high school students attend a computer science summer program?

If you’re interested in the tech industry and want to join this rapidly growing and always exciting field, you should take computer science classes in the summer. The skills you’ll learn about database management, programming languages, networking, and security can translate to almost every tech field! As a result, it should be easy for you to transition into a fun and unforgettable career, mainly if you use these courses to prepare for a college education.

Which computer science summer program is best for high school students?

NextGen Bootcamp provides several high-quality computer science courses you can take over the summer! Designed to fit into your busy lifestyle (typically taking only a few weeks), these programs immerse you in computer science concepts to teach you Java, Python, database management, and much more. Computer Science Summer Program NYC and Computer Science Summer Certificate Program Live Online take 95 hours to complete.

Is it worth attending a computer summer program as a high school student?

Are you looking to become a computer specialist in fields as diverse as web design, coding, network security, and ecommerce? Taking a high school computer science summer program can help you by immersing you in the unique skills necessary to succeed in this field. You’ll learn essential subjects like Python and Java and practice data management and other techniques that can ensure you transition easily into a college or professional career.