Coding bootcamps have become a popular option for people looking to quickly learn to code. The first coding bootcamps began to appear in 2011. Today, there are over 100 coding bootcamps around the world. Every bootcamp is different and it is important that you take the time to research each bootcamp so you can choose the one that’s right for you.

A quick Google search will turn up a variety of resources on coding bootcamps. Unfortunately, not every resources provides factual information about coding bootcamps. There are many misconceptions and misinformation out there about coding bootcamps. Noble Desktop is here to help debunk a few myths out there about coding bootcamps.

Myth #1: I can’t enroll in a coding bootcamp because I have no coding or technical experience

While coding experience can be helpful, you do not need to know how to code or have technical experience prior to attending a bootcamp. Many coding bootcamps offer introductory, or 101, courses that can be taken prior to enrolling or attending bootcamp. The intro course is aimed at helping beginners learn the building blocks of the digital experience to create a solid foundation for additional coding knowledge. Taking one of these (oftentimes free) courses can also be helpful in the bootcamp application process, as many of the most competitive coding bootcamps have coding challenges.

Many bootcampers who switched careers with little to no experience in tech report feeling imposter syndrome. Coding bootcamps admit students from all types of backgrounds who go on to have successful careers in the tech industry. The purpose of coding bootcamps is to teach you the technical skills needed to land a job as a Software Engineer or Developer in a short amount of time. As long as you are hardworking and are eager to learn, you can launch a successful career in tech regardless of your experience level before bootcamp.

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Myth #2: I’m too old (or young) to attend a coding bootcamp

You are never too old (or young) to enroll in a coding bootcamp. The average bootcamper is 31 years old with seven years of work experience in a non-technical role and a bachelor’s degree. Many of these seasoned professionals have one thing in common: they are looking for a change in their career path and do not want to pursue another four-year undergraduate degree. On the flip side, many young people enroll in coding bootcamps because of their low cost and their fast-paced learning environment.

Myth #3: Employers won’t hire a bootcamp graduate

Major companies, like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Salesforce, and IBM, have all hired coding bootcamp graduates. Times have changed and many tech companies are nixing four-year degree requirements from their recruitment efforts. Tech companies want to hire employees who know how to code and are interested in being lifelong learners. As long as you can prove to them that you have the technical skills needed for the role (or have the ability to learn them) you will be able to land a job in tech.

If you’re still concerned about the probability of landing a job after graduation, coding bootcamps offer a few other wrap-around services to assist students. Many coding bootcamps also offer career supports to students to help teach them the soft skills needed to land a job in tech. This can include resume/cover letter writing, interview preparation, and job offers/compensation package review. Additionally, many programs offer job guarantees that will refund tuition to students who are unable to find a relevant job after a certain amount of time. Additionally, financial options such as income share agreements allow students to defer tuition payment until after they secure a job that meets a specific income threshold.

Finally, coding bootcamps are upfront about the importance of students putting in the work to land jobs. A bootcamp will not just give you a job. You will need to network and take advantage of career service opportunities if you want to land a job.

Myth #4: I need to quit my job to attend a bootcamp

There are many bootcamp options for students who would cannot afford to just quit their job or are balancing other obligations. Part-time programs are a great option for working professionals, parents of small children, or students who cannot afford to not work while enrolled. Part-time courses are typically offered in the evenings or on weekends and provide the same curriculum as full-time programs over a longer period of time. Coding bootcamps, no matter their length, are meant to be intense immersive experiences.

Myth #5: I don’t look like a coder

The tech industry has long struggled with an underrepresentation of women and people of color in the field. Women workers currently account for only 25% of computer-related jobs and both African-American and Hispanic workers are grossly underrepresented in tech relative to their shares in the U.S. workforce, according to Pew Research Center.

Organizations like Girls Who Code, Women Who Code, Black Girls Code, and Society of Women Coders aim to close the gender and race gap in the technology industry and ensure that women and people of color have the support they need to pursue careers in tech. Additionally, more bootcamps have begun to offer women-only and PoC-only coding bootcamps. These coding bootcamps offer a community of support and mentorship to break into tech.

A Final Word

Choosing to attend a coding bootcamps is a major personal decision and it is important that you research your options so you choose a bootcamp that is right for you. With so much misinformation out there about coding bootcamps, it is essential that you speak directly with admissions at coding bootcamps to learn about their offerings and expectations. Additionally, consulting with friends or family who have attended coding bootcamps can be helpful in learning more about bootcamps.

Are you ready to begin your coding bootcamp search? Check out Noble Desktop’s coding bootcamps. You can take in-person classes at Noble’s location in NYC or attend a live online coding bootcamp from anywhere in the world. You can also find other coding bootcamps in your area using Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me tool.