Although Microsoft Excel was originally created for use on Windows operating systems, it also works on Macs. This article will explore some of the key differences between using Excel on a Windows device versus using it on a Mac.

The Main Differences Between Using Excel on PCs vs. Macs

For the most part, Microsoft Excel can be used on both Windows devices as well as Macs. Workbooks created in the Windows version of Excel generally work well when they’re opened on a Mac, as do workbooks created on Macs that are opened on Windows devices. Most of this app’s functionality and actions perform well on both systems. However, when users begin to explore more advanced Excel functions, the differences between Excel for Windows and Excel for Mac become more noticeable. There are a few important differences in how Excel operates for users to be aware of when considering which operating system is best for their Excel needs.

PowerPivot and Pivot Charts

One of the most popular features of Excel is its built-in PivotTable feature, with which users can make customized tables that reflect the data they want to visualize as well as how they wish to display it. However, when working on Excel for Mac, any PivotTable that includes source data based on Excel’s Data Model cannot be filtered when it is opened on a Mac. In addition, Pivot Charts are also not interactive on Macs and instead remain static.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Because the keyboard on a Mac is different than the one on a PC, it follows that the available Excel shortcuts would also differ on these systems. For example, Mac users wanting to use the shortcuts for “page up” or “page down” must select the “Fn + up/down” arrow to perform these actions. In addition, some Excel shortcuts that work on a PC won’t function on a Mac. 

Weak VBA

VBA, or Visual Basic for applications, is the language Excel and other Microsoft 365 applications use for programming. VBA provides Excel users with a way to write commands and functions that can automate repeated tasks. Each time a macro is recorded in Excel it is stored in VBA code, where it can be edited using the VBA Editor tool.

Prior to the 2016 release of Excel for Mac, there were no VBA options for Excel users on Macs. Even now it has many more limitations than VBA on Windows. For example, developing User Forms on Excel for Mac takes much longer than it does on Windows. In addition, the “Properties” window is missing for Mac users. Mac users also aren’t able to import or export collections of VBA code.

For Excel users who need assistance with VBA, most search results pertain to VBA in Windows rather than for Macs. This can make it difficult for Mac users to find answers to VBA questions. Also, Visual Basic Editor works much better on Windows than it does on Macs, which can complicate the process of editing macros.

Quick Access Toolbar

Excel’s Quick Access Toolbar can’t be imported or exported onto Macs, whereas it can be when using Windows. Additionally, when a new version of Excel is installed on a Mac, all of the customizations that had been applied to this toolbar will be deleted.

Restoring Excel Files that Were Overwritten

Although it’s not a common occurrence to have to restore Excel files that have already been overwritten, when it is required it can create challenges and be a time-consuming process for Mac users. Those who use Excel on Windows are able to restore these files simply by right-clicking on the Excel file, selecting “Properties,” and “Previous Versions,” and then choosing the latest version to restore. 

However, for Mac users, this process is a bit more complicated. In order to recover overwritten files on Macs, the user has to go to Finder, run the Time Machine, then choose and recover the original file this way. This recovery depends on the Time Machine being enabled at all times so that no important data is ever lost.

Autosave Options

When using Excel on Windows, it’s possible to establish a default location to which workbooks will be auto-saved. However, on Macs, this isn’t possible. Additionally, Excel for Mac doesn’t offer the autosave feature that allows users to save workbooks as drafts so they are able to retrieve older file versions in the event that changes weren’t saved.

Find/Replace Formats

Windows offers users a “Find and Replace” dialogue box that provides them with a way to locate a cell based on its format. Those wishing to do so can also replace that cell when it’s been located. However, for Mac users, these features aren’t offered.

Data Connectivity

When using Excel on a Mac, users have fewer options for connecting to external data than they do when using Excel on Windows. Mac users are generally limited to SQL, HTML, ODBC, and Microsoft Query. On the other hand, those using Excel on Windows are able to connect to Access, tables and ranges, the web, BDF, XML, PDF, SQL, as well as many others.

How Can Mac Users Overcome These Limitations?

For the most part, Excel performs quite well on Windows and Mac devices. However, there are options available for those who wish to have the same functionality on their Macs as they do on PCs. For users who wish to access a Windows-only version of Excel on a Mac, they can install Windows Excel onto a Mac using Parallel or Bootcamp. In addition, they can opt to split their hard drive so that they’re also running a Windows operating system, which would make it possible to have access to Windows-only features on a Mac.

Get Started Learning Excel with Hands-On Classes

A great way to learn more about how to work with Excel or a Mac or Windows device is to enroll in one of Noble Desktop’s Excel courses in NYC and live online. Classes are available for those who are new to Excel, as well as learners who regularly work with this spreadsheet application and wish to brush up on their skills. In addition, there are also in-person and live online Excel courses available through Noble Desktop or one of its affiliate schools. A variety of course options are offered, ranging in duration from three hours to two days and costing between $229 and $1,099. 

Noble Desktop’s Excel Bootcamp provides a great option for those who want to master core Excel concepts, such as working with VLOOKUP and PivotTables. Students who enroll in this rigorous, 21-hour course can elect to study in person in Manhattan or learn in the live online environment. This small class comes with the option of a free retake and covers a variety of Excel concepts applicable to the business world. 

Those interested in studying Excel close to home can also browse over 140 in-person Microsoft Excel classes to find nearby study options. Courses are available that vary in duration from three hours to five days, and range in price from $110-$8,749.

Additionally, if you want to find learning options close to home, you can use Noble’s Classes Near Me too to browse more than 140 in-person Microsoft Excel classes.