As the name suggests, machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), is the process of teaching machines how to learn. Machine learning may sound like the stuff of the future, but you already interact with these concepts daily. Have you ever searched for something and then had an ad pop up for it on your Facebook feed? Or have you seen an advertisement for a self-driving car? Those are both applications of machine learning, and this field will only expand. In fact, the market for machine learning is expected to grow to nearly $31 billion in the next couple of years. If this industry sounds appealing to you, there’s no better time to start preparing.

Here, you’ll learn more about programs that can teach high school students fundamental artificial intelligence and machine learning skills over the course of a single summer!

Why Learn Machine Learning During the Summer?

To study artificial intelligence and machine learning, you’ll need to commit to some intensive studying. In addition to summer courses, it’s important that your high school courses focus on classes like physics, statistics, and calculus. Enrolling in as many honors or Advanced Placement courses as possible is another essential area to focus on. Taking a machine learning course over the summer will show college admissions officers that you’re serious about pursuing a degree and will likely help you stand out amongst other applicants. 

Machine learning careers are both in-demand and high-paying; the average salary for a job in this industry is roughly $131,000 per year. Machine Learning Engineers can work in various sectors, including healthcare, marketing, and finance. While you won’t be ready for a career after studying machine learning for a single summer, keeping one of these exciting careers as a goal can help keep you focused as you continue to hone your skills. Other careers that require similar skills are Data Scientist, Software Engineer, and Deep Learning Engineer. 

Types of Machine Learning Summer Programs for High School Students

The summer machine learning programs available to high school students can meet a range of financial and academic needs. One of the primary differences is the in-person vs. virtual classroom option. While many prefer the in-person option since they focus better, virtual learning is a convenient alternative for students who live in more rural areas or cannot afford a lengthy commute. Some courses vary in length and intensity, making it easier for students who have summer jobs to find time to study.

Learn python with hands-on projects at the top coding bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

Many of these courses also cater to students with a range of experience in machine learning. Whether you’re a beginner or you have some familiarity with machine learning, you’ll be able to find a course that will challenge you without being too overwhelming or confusing. Some of these programs are offered through private companies, but others are available through colleges and universities. These programs provide students with the exciting opportunity to live on a college campus and understand what life is like in an actual dorm. 

#1 NextGen Bootcamp⁠ - Python Data Science Summer Program

What is Taught in This Program?

NextGen Bootcamp offers a Python Data Science Summer Program for high school students. In this course, students will learn foundational Python programming skills with an emphasis on data science. The course also teaches students how to clean and organize data, create eye-catching visualizations of the information found within complex datasets, and analyze data using machine learning algorithms. The class ends in a final project that students present to their instructors and peers. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program

This program is geared towards beginner students who don’t have prior experience with Python. The only required knowledge is basic computer skills. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This class is available in both in-person and live online formats. NextGen’s campus is located in Manhattan near Grand Central Station, making commuting more convenient for students traveling from nearby areas on the east coast. Students who participate in the virtual program will interact with their instructor and classmates via Zoom. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

If you take the in-person version, this course lasts for two weeks, with classes taking place Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The virtual program lasts for three weeks. In this version, sessions are from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

NextGen classes are meant for students in high school or college.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The price of NextGen’s Python summer program differs depending on whether you take the class remotely or in person. The live online version is $1,999, and the in-person class costs $2,495; for both programs, the total amount is due before the course begins. This price includes a certificate of completion at the end of the program, as well as the opportunity to retake the class for free within one year. Remote students are required to have their own Mac or PC as well. 

NextGen does not offer any financial aid or payment plans for this class. To get the most for your money, you can check out the Computer Science Summer Certificate Program, which teaches the fundamentals of coding with Java. Combining these two curriculums results in the most significant savings. 

#2: Noble Desktop - Python Machine Learning Bootcamp

What is Taught in This Program?

Noble Desktop offers a Python Machine Learning Bootcamp over the summer. Here, students will learn machine learning skills that can be applied to real-world scenarios. They will also learn to use tools like the Pandas library to clean data and be able to evaluate the performance of their models.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This course requires that students have prior experience coding with Python and using libraries Pandas and NumPy. If you lack this experience, the Python for Data Science Bootcamp is required before enrolling in the machine learning bootcamp. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This class can be taken in-person or online. Virtual participants use Zoom to complete group assignments and receive guidance from their instructor.

How Long Does This Program Last?

This bootcamp lasts for one week in the summer. Classes take place Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm EST.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students must be 18 or turning 18 soon to enroll.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The tuition for this bootcamp is $1,895, which is due before class begins. The price includes a verified completion certificate and the option to retake the course for free within a year at no charge. This course is not eligible for any financial aid. Students who would like a discount on this material can look into a more extensive certification with Noble Desktop, like the Data Science Certificate

#3: Noble Desktop - Python for Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp

What is Taught in This Program?

Noble Desktop’s Python for Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp takes beginner students to experienced programmers. The course begins with teaching participants to code with Python. From there, they will use the libraries Matplotlib, NumPy, and Pandas to analyze data and develop predictive models. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This program is suitable for beginners as long as they are comfortable working on a computer.

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This bootcamp is available both online and in-person.

How Long Does This Program Last?

This program takes three weeks to complete. It is offered on a full-time schedule.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

High school juniors or seniors can attend this program as long as they are 18 or about to turn 18.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This bootcamp is priced at $2,995. Students can finance the cost through an installment plan if they are unable to pay the entire tuition upfront. This price includes career mentoring sessions to assist with updating your portfolio and resume. If you’d like to brush up on any of the materials, you can retake the course within a year at no additional cost.

#4: iD Tech - Intro to Python Coding for Machine Learning

What is Taught in This Program?

A school called iD Tech has an Intro to Python Coding for Machine Learning. This course employs methods like logic games and take-home projects to help students learn programming fundamentals with Python. Students will also learn about more advanced machine learning techniques like neural networks, building their confidence, and enhancing their problem-solving skills.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

While this introductory course is aimed at beginners, students who already have some familiarity with Python are encouraged to sign up as well. More advanced students can be assigned additional material to ensure they still feel challenged. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

iD Tech has in-person locations in more than 20 states. If any of these locations are not convenient for you, students can take courses virtually instead.

How Long Does This Program Last?

This course lasts for one week in the summer. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

iD Tech accepts students ages 13-17; students who are 12 years of age must turn 13 by the end of the calendar year to enroll in a class. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The cost of this course starts at $1,099. Students also receive an iD Tech t-shirt, a diploma, and a transcript that can be an impressive addition to any college application packet. iD Tech also offers a few scholarships that students can apply for if they are interested. The website generally offers promotional discounts as well, but be aware that these are subject to change at any time. 

#5: NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Machine Learning

What is Taught in This Program?

New York University offers its Machine Learning course over the summer in partnership with the Tandon School of Engineering. The program is taught by experienced NYU professors who help students understand the basics of both machine learning and artificial intelligence. The curriculum covers other important topics, including neural networks, data modeling, and regressions.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

The program’s website does not explicitly state a difficulty level, but no prerequisites are listed. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This course is held in person on the NYU campus. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This class is two weeks long. Sessions take place Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students must be in high school to attend this program. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This course costs $2,100 per person plus a non-refundable $25 application fee. For students who are accepted, $1,000 must be paid within five days to secure their place; the additional $1,100 is due no later than the week before the program starts. This program does not offer any form of financial aid, but Tandon does have several other free STEM programs for grades K-12 if you are interested.

#6: Stanford Pre-College Summer Institute - Artificial Intelligence

What is Taught in This Program?

The Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes offers an Artificial Intelligence course as part of its summer program. The course covers mathematical concepts like algebra, statistics, and calculus while also using Python to understand datasets from real-world examples. The ultimate goal of the course is to teach students how to design AI systems that can ethically solve problems impacting today’s world. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This course is meant for more advanced students who are proficient in one or more programming languages. The course also required that applicants have completed the equivalent of a pre-calculus course.

Where Does This Program Take Place?

Stanford’s summer program takes place exclusively online. Live classes meet for two hours Monday through Friday. Outside of these virtual classes, students are also expected to complete additional assignments like group projects, readings, and reviewing pre-recorded lectures. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This course lasts for two weeks in the summer.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students must be in either 10th or 11th grade at the time of their application.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This program is $2,700 per student. Financial aid is available for students who can demonstrate a need for it. Applying for financial support has no bearing on any decisions regarding your admission. 

#7: Digital Media Academy - Data Science with Python

What is Taught in This Program?

A Data Science with Python class is available over the summer through Digital Media Academy. In this program, students are exposed to various tools that data scientists use every day! This program teaches students how to make database queries using SQL and builds familiarity with Python libraries like pandas and NumPy. Special attention is paid to how to ask questions to get the information you need.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This course is for advanced students who have worked with Python before. You can find the list of required prerequisites and other details on the course website. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This class is only exclusively online. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

Digital Media Academy’s Python class is ten weeks long. Lessons take place two days a week from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm PST or 7:00 pm 8:30 pm EST.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students between the ages of 13 and 18 are eligible to enroll in this course.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This class is $2,250 per person. The school has a limited number of scholarships available for qualified applicants. These scholarships will cover 100% of the tuition but do not extend to outside costs such as buying a computer or purchasing additional software. 

Which Machine Learning Summer Program is Right for Me?

Now that you have an idea of the types of available summer programs, you might be wondering how to begin narrowing your search. Several factors should be considered carefully before enrolling in a program. Courses like these can be mentally demanding, but finding one that will be the right fit can often make them a lot more enjoyable.

Finances are often a significant concern for students and their families, especially when a course can cost thousands of dollars. Many of these programs offer scholarships or other forms of financial assistance. Still, it’s important to consider how the cost breaks down per hour instead of simply looking at the overall price. For example, the NextGen online program costs $1,999, while the iD Tech program costs $1,099. However, NextGen provides 45 hours of instruction while iD Tech’s course is closer to 20 hours. Breaking it down this way clearly illustrates that NextGen’s program offers more for your money.

Ensuring you enroll in a program that meshes with your learning style is also important. Some prefer virtual learning because of its convenience, but others find it too distracting to work at home. If you know you study best in a traditional classroom environment, focus on courses that provide in-person instruction like NextGen, iD Tech, or NYU. It’s equally important to make sure you select a path that will meet your current educational needs so you can feel comfortable and challenge yourself. Most of the programs listed above are for beginners so that advanced students can look into courses through Stanford or Digital Media Academy.

As you can see, summer machine learning programs cover a range of needs to accommodate many students. There is a lot of information to sift through, but investing some time in this process will ensure you get the most out of your educational experience.

Can high school students learn machine learning?

Machine learning is like any coding-related ability: learning takes time and effort. Some people will pick up on a lot quicker than others, while some might struggle. For example, your teen might immediately “get” their Python and data science lessons and have no trouble mastering machine learning on a fundamental level. In other words, all teens can probably learn machine learning if they are given enough time and practice. That makes it an excellent skill for teens!

Should high school students attend a machine learning summer program?

Is your teen fascinated by AI and wants to join a rewarding career field? Then, they may thrive in a machine learning summer program! It will immerse them in essential concepts, such as Python coding, data science ideas, and much more, to ensure that they fully grasp the scope of this field. By getting help from a training team, you can ensure they get the best support and minimize potential confusion. Even better, you prepare them for college courses later.

Which machine learning summer program is best for high school students?

Python Data Science & AI Machine Learning NYC takes two weeks to teach you essential subjects like Python, data science concepts, and how to use machine learning concepts. This course prepares you for a college career and allows you to handle basic machine-learning concepts. Furthermore, you can also take Python Data Science & AI Machine Learning Live Online if you don’t live in The Big Apple to learn critical coding skills. 

Is it worth attending a machine summer program as a high school student?

Machine learning is about more than just artificial intelligence and covers a broad and engaging range of activities and skills that you or your teen will appreciate. For example, even if you don’t join the AI field, knowing machine learning skills can help you program simple procedures for automating data collection and much more. Thankfully, these courses cover basic steps to make this transition easier, ensuring a better chance of success when you’re done.