Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world (the 4th most popular according to The TIOBE Index) and it is one of the most highly recommended first programming languages for beginners. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to learn computer programming, regardless of age and experience. Many different training centers offer a diverse array of summer Java courses, many of which are accessible and productive for students with no coding experience or with extensive coding experience. Regardless of your programming background, there is a summer Java program that suits your needs.

One of the reasons that Java is so popular is that it is incredibly versatile while still being easy to understand for new programmers. Java runs on the principle of “Write Once, Run Anywhere,” meaning that code that is programmed using Java can run on almost any device or platform without needing to re-compile the code. In addition, Java is a well-established, open source programming language, so a massive community of programmers and developers has been perfecting and expanding the language and its syntax for decades. This means that there are a lot of different learning opportunities for students seeking to learn Java. If you are interested in learning more about object-oriented programming or the kinds of applications you can build in Java, a summer course is a great way to start on that journey.

For Adults & College Students

While summer courses are most commonly associated with high school students and younger children who have a break from school, adults and college students can still stand to benefit from summer Java training. Whether you are looking to learn a new programming language or you are a novice coder looking to learn their first language, summer Java training can be a productive route to take. To learn more about and compare different summer Java classes in your area, consider taking advantage of Noble Desktop’s Classes Near Me Tool.

ONLC Training Centers

Java Programming Level 1: Introduction for Programmers

ONLC’s Java Programming Level 1 course is an introductory level course designed for students who already have basic programming knowledge and want to apply that knowledge to an understanding of Java. Students will learn to write, compile and execute basic Java programs and they will learn how to take advantage of Java’s Write Once, Run Anywhere functionality. Lessons cover important topics such as conditional if-then statements, loops, and variables, and the course provides an overview of object-oriented programming and a wide array of important Java libraries.

Java Programming Level 2: Advanced Programming Techniques

Designed for students who have experience, ONLC’s Java Programming Level 2 course provides students with hands-on instruction in the advanced programming functionalities of Java. These lessons include exercises working with Java encryption, regular expressions, Lambda expressions, and streams. As part of ONCL’s Java programming track, it is expected that students will have meaningful familiarity with the Java programming language, having completed ONLC’s Java Programming Level 1 course or another equivalent Java programming class.

Java Programming Level 3: Developer Deep Dive

Learn java & computer science with hands-on projects at the top coding bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

The capstone Java Programming Level 3 course offered through ONLC, Developer Deep Dive, teaches students who have completed the equivalent of their first two Java programming courses how to work as Java Developers. In this class, students will learn what makes the Java programming language so versatile and universal through an exploration of object-oriented programming and the primary syntax of the language. Then students will receive hands-on experience working with the building blocks of Java, including data structures, generics, and popular utilities and students will learn how to use Java for building databases and networks.

Code Fellows

Programming With Java

Code Fellows offers an online Java training program for students interested in learning the basics of object-oriented programming and the fundamentals of the Java programming language. In this class, students will learn how to use core Java features to program interfaces, Lambda expressions, collection streams, filters, abstract and nested classes and a host of other intermediate programming skills. By the end of the course, students will have an understanding of the basics of the Java programming language and they will be prepared to start learning more advanced uses of Java in a software development context.

Advanced Software Development in Java with SpringMVC & Android

Code Fellows also offers an Advanced Software Development in Java with SpringMVC & Android course designed for students interested in applying their Java training to the world of app development. This class pairs advanced Java skills training with instruction in the use of Spring MVC for server maintenance, Android for application development, and Amazon Web Services for a host of different purposes. By the end of this course, students will be able to build and maintain server-side and client-facing elements of a mobile application and they will learn important soft skills necessary for working on large, collaborative development projects.

For High School Students & Teenagers

Java is an ideal first programming language to learn, so students who are interested in computer science but aren’t yet familiar with the process of computer programming may want to consider learning the language. High school students in particular can benefit from learning Java because it is a versatile enough language that no matter what computer science path you take after high school, it is likely that Java will play a role in your development. Plus, many AP computer science classes make Java a central skill, so summer training can help you get a leg up on the difficult work you’ll have during the semester.

NextGen Bootcamp

Java Programming Summer Program Live Online: June 27–July 19, 2024, July 22–August 1, 2024, August 5–15, 2024

NextGen Bootcamp’s Java Programming Summer Program introduces high school students to the many versatile uses of Java, even if they have no prior programming experience. Students will learn how to think like programmers and how to read, interpret, and work with large computer programs. By the end of the class, students will be writing their own functions and building simple programs that run off of Java. This is an ideal summer course for students who are interested in the world of computer science, but aren’t entirely sure what kind of path they want to follow in pursuit of that interest. Java is a versatile enough programming language and is commonly taught as a significant part of college computer science curriculums that every aspiring programmer can benefit from learning the basics.

Computer Science Summer Program: June 27th–July 19, 2024, June 27th–August 1, 2024, July 22th–August 15, 2024

Students looking for a more robust summer programming education may want to consider enrolling in NextGen’s Computer Science Summer Program. In this class, students will learn the basics of programming with Java, including all of the specific lessons offered in NextGens’ Java Programming Summer course. In addition, students will learn the basics of using Python to build and program databases, adding another layer of complexity to the programs that they can write in either Python or Java. By the end of the class, students will be writing basic programs and they will begin working with machine learning functions, ensuring that they are prepared to start more advanced training in a cutting-edge and in-demand subfield of computer science.

Java Programming Summer Programming NYC: July 22–August 1, 2024, August 5–15, 2024

Some students may find that they learn better in a structured classroom environment than they do in a distributed digital space. These students may want to consider enrolling in NextGen’s Java Summer Programming NYC to learn from experienced Java programming experts at NextGen’s state-of-the-art Manhattan campus. In this course, students will learn the basics of Java programming through practical, hands-on exercises and they will work alongside a cohort of like-minded students and collaborate with them on Java programming exercises. This course is an ideal way to get a Java programming education for any student in the greater Manhattan area.

Computer Science Summer Program NYC: July 22–August 15, 2024

Students who live in or around the Manhattan area can also choose to enroll in NextGen’s Computer Science Summer Program NYC. In this summer program, students will receive hands-on computer science training in Java and Python programming skills. Students will learn to think like programmers and will be able to collaborate directly with classmates on group programming projects. Students will learn how to write simple programs in Java and Python and by the end of the program, they will be prepared to start working on simple machine learning functions. This is an immersive course designed to prepare programmers of any skill level for a future education in computer science and is ideal for college-bound students and students preparing for their AP computer science courses.


AP Computer Science A & Principles Prep Course

Students looking to prepare for their AP computer science classes may want to consider enrolling in CodeWizardsHQ’s summer Java training program. This course offers students an introduction to programming and to the Java programming language and the course is designed in such a way that even students who have no prior programming experience can stand to benefit from enrolling. By the end of the class, students will be prepared for the work involved in an AP computer science class, having learned important skills such as variables, data types, control statements, parameters, and inheritance. 

iD Tech

Java Coding for Applications

iD Tech offers a summer online training program that introduces students to programming simple applications using Java. In this class, students will learn the basics of the language, including variables, operators, conditional statements, and random number generators, then they will apply this knowledge in a practical setting by building a simple Java application (like a Tic-Tac-Toe game). By the end of the course, students will have a handful of sample programs that they have built and they will have learned the basic skills required to think like a computer programmer, setting themselves up for future success in their computer science training.

Columbia University

Computer Programming for Beginners: Coding In Java

Columbia University in New York City is one of the hundreds of higher learning institutions that offer high school students the chance to take in-person or online summer courses in preparation for a college program in computer science. In this course, students will learn the foundational processes of computer programming with Java. This course is designed to teach students what they can expect out of a college-level computer programming course and it will teach them the foundational skills that they need to ensure that they don’t fall behind at the start of their training. Columbia’s courses are taught at their New York City campus, so aspiring students are encouraged to explore what local and online training options are available for pre-college summer programming courses (as well as exploring what the requirements are for those classes).

For Kids & Preteens

Learning a computer programming language is a lot like learning any other language, in so far as learning it early on in life is a good way to build the skills that a child will expand upon later in life. Parents looking to give their children an opportunity to learn important STEM skills like Java programming may want to consider enrolling them in a summer computer science course that teaches the Java programming language. These immersive programs are ideal places to nurture a child’s interest in science and technology.

Lavner Education

Virtual Coding Camp with Java

Designed for children between 11 and 14, Lavner Education’s Virtual Coding Camp with Java is an online training program that introduces middle school students to the logic, syntax, and formulas that underpin the Java programming language. This course is open for students with no prior programming experience, making it an ideal place to start your child’s computer science education. By the end of the program, students will have built simple programs using Java and they will receive practical experience by building their own text-based adventure game. This is an ideal class for any student interested in learning what they can do with computer science training.


Java Programming

Stem4Kids is a California based programming camp that promises to teach children as young as 11 the fundamentals of Java programming. Students can attend these camps either in-person or online and they are designed to be accessible to students who have no prior programming experience. Over the course of the summer, students will learn the basics of Java, including how to organize and process data and how to build the conditional statements that allow programs to run. Students will also learn the ethical and social concerns that intersect with computer science, making this a solid course to teach students to critically think about their relationship with technology.

iD Tech

Private Java Tutoring

iD Tech offers private Java tutoring programs for students as young as 10 years old. These one-on-one training sessions are broken up into a dozen one-hour lessons and parents can opt to enroll their children in 1, 4, 8, or 12 tutoring sessions. Over the course of the 12 sessions, children will learn the basics of Java, with an eye turned toward its application in future STEM training courses. Students in these classes will learn how to write basic code, program using conditional statements, and build working applications using Java. These classes can be tailored to fit the age and needs of any given participant, so parents may want to consider this focused training as a means of preparing their children for their future computer science education.

Why Summer is the Perfect Time to Learn Java

When you think of summer training programs, you are likely thinking of children’s summer camps and high school summer school courses. However, no matter your age or experience, summer is an excellent time to learn a new skill like Java. While everyone has different reasons for wanting to learn this programming language, the wide variety of summer courses makes the season an ideal time to look for a training program.

For children and high school students, the reason for learning Java over the summer is fairly obvious. Summer breaks from school are an ideal time for students to learn specialized skills that they wouldn’t otherwise learn and that can set them up for long-term success. Younger students can learn Java in a fun and accessible way over the summer and high school students can receive focused training to help them achieve their goals, whether that involves preparing for an AP computer science course, taking a pre-college class, or simply studying a new programming language.

Adults and college students are less likely to have a significant break during which they can dedicate time to learning Java (though college students may be able to find summer semester courses). However, there are still reasons that they may want to consider looking for a summer training program. Many programs are offered through colleges or are taught by instructors with full-time college teaching positions. This means that during the summer, there are likely to be more courses offered and some of these courses are more likely to offer part-time instruction. In addition, students tend to have more energy during the nicer months of the year, and that little extra push from the sun being out during an online training session may seem inconsequential. Still, it can often be the difference between feeling ready to learn and feeling burnt out.

How to Choose the Right Summer Java Course

Once you’ve committed to finding a Java summer course, it can be difficult to sift through all the options available. This becomes even more difficult when trying to find a summer training program for someone other than yourself. Since Java is such a versatile programming language, there are many subtly different course offerings available, and you’ll want to consider your wants and needs when selecting a program.

Parents looking for a summer program for their younger children will want to consider how the program will help their child’s long-term skills development. Few courses teach complex, practical programming skills for students age 10 or younger. Instead, they are trying to make STEM training accessible and fun so that children want to continue learning more practical applications for their Java knowledge as they age. Thus, when searching for a course for a younger child, you may want to pay more attention to how accessible, and enjoyable the camp looks rather than what kinds of specific Java programming skills it teaches (though you should still be sure that the camp is spending adequate time teaching kids to code).

High school students looking to learn Java over the summer will want to consider their long-term goals regarding their training. Some students might be certain that they want to pursue a computer science major in college and should therefore aim for a course that bills itself as a pre-college training program. Other students may be more interested in preparing themselves for an AP computer science course, meaning that they should look for courses tailored for those classes. Finally, some students may just want to introduce themselves to the field of computer science, and these students will want to look for introductory courses that use Java as a bridge to broader computer science principles.

Adults and college students are far more likely to be concerned with the career implications of their Java training. Students looking for immersive, career-focused training programs should explore computer science certificate programs, since these programs tend to emphasize the practical, professional applications of Java and its related libraries. Students interested in Java but don’t think they are likely to change careers should consider enrolling in a Java bootcamp instead.