As a busy high school student, you may not have given much thought to learning about the stock market or how to invest in it. Or maybe you’ve been curious, but you’re unsure how to learn more. Did you know that there are summer classes you can take if you want to learn these exact skills? These courses teach essential skills that will prepare you for a highly sought-after career in finance, but they can also benefit any high schooler who wants to learn more about taking charge of their personal finances.

Here, we’ll discuss the importance of learning how to invest at an early age. You’ll also learn about some of the available course options, including NextGen Bootcamp’s live online investing summer camp and investing summer program in NYC. Find out how to choose the program that will suit you best.

Types of Investing Summer Programs for High School Students

The investment courses available to high school students over the summer cater to a variety of needs and learning styles. One of the more considerable differences lies in the in-person vs. virtual learning options. Many in-person courses take place on college campuses, meaning students can stay in the dorms and learn more about what life is like for a college student. Remote options are beneficial for students who cannot commute but still desire a top-notch education. 

These classes also vary in the time commitment they require. Some are full-time immersive experiences for several weeks, while others are offered on a part-time schedule. These classes are held for only a few hours a day, which is excellent for students with jobs or other equally important summer commitments. 

#1 NextGen Bootcamp⁠ - Excel, Finance, & Investing Summer Program

What is Taught in This Program?

NextGen Bootcamp helps high school and college students learn today’s most critical tech skills to prepare them for a successful future. They have an Excel, Finance, & Investing Summer Program available. Students learn to use Microsoft Excel, a crucial skill for almost any career in investment. The curriculum also covers how stock prices are determined and how to analyze company earnings while conducting investment research.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

Learn finance with hands-on projects at the top finance bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

This course is designed with beginners in mind. Previous experience in Excel or other financial software is not required. Students should be familiar with basic computer skills before enrolling. The only requirement is that students possess basic computer skills before enrolling. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This course is available in-person or online. NextGen’s campus is located near multiple transportation hubs in New York City, so students can easily commute from surrounding areas. Live online classes are taught via Zoom, so students can still engage with classmates and get real-time feedback from their instructors. Remote students will also receive support from a NextGen staff member to ensure their computer is optimized for the course.

How Long Does This Program Last?

The in-person version of this course is one week long for six hours per day. The online course takes two weeks to complete, with classes being held for three hours every weekday instead. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

All of NextGen’s classes are geared toward high school and college students. This course would be particularly beneficial to those who hope to pursue a career in the financial sector, like business, real estate, or finance. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The price of this class depends on whether you attend virtually or in person. The in-person session costs $1,395, and the virtual session is $1,299. In addition to the 27 hours of hands-on instruction, NextGen also provides students with a certificate of completion and a packet of supplemental materials that they can refer back to when they need a reminder of core concepts. 

#2: Columbia University Pre-College Programs - Introduction to Finance and Investment Management

What is Taught in This Program?

An Introduction to Finance and Investment Management is available through Columbia University's pre-college summer program. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of how the financial system works. They will complete unique hands-on exercises related to the valuation of stocks and create investment strategies for specific markets. At the end of the class, students will demonstrate increased financial literacy by developing individual portfolios.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This course is suitable for beginners with no prior knowledge of financial markets or investments.

Where Does This Program Take Place?

The course takes place on Columbia’s campus in New York City. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

Columbia’s finance program takes one week to complete. Classes take place Monday through Friday from 9:10 am to 11:00 am. After taking a break to study and have lunch with peers, classes resume from 1:10 pm to 3:00 pm.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

To be considered eligible for admission, students must be entering grades 9 through 12. Students who just graduated from high school in the spring can also attend.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This program is $2,825 per person, plus an additional $80 application fee which is non-refundable. A $1,000 deposit is due upon receiving notification that you have been accepted, but this amount goes towards the total cost of the class. Financial aid is not available for this course, so students are encouraged to speak with a counselor at their high school to explore other local resources. 

#3: Yale University - Finance & Investing

What is Taught in This Program?

Yale University offers a Summer Finance and Investing course through their Summer Springboard program. This class is primarily focused on investing in the stock market. Students are taught about what drives the fluctuations of stock prices so they can make smarter investment decisions. This program culminates in a final project where students research a stock that they feel is undervalued and design a pitch to present to mock investors. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

Students are not required to have prior experience in order to attend this class. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This course is only available on the Yale campus, located in New Haven, Connecticut.

How Long Does This Program Last?

This course is two weeks long, with classes being held on weekdays for three hours per day. In addition to these classroom sessions, students will also attend guest lectures and take an excursion trip to a brokerage firm on Wall Street!

What is the Recommended Age Range?

To attend this program, students must be between the ages of 14 and 18. The course is available for freshmen to graduating seniors. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

There are multiple structures of this course that influence the cost. If students want to stay overnight in the dorms for two weeks, there is a residential program that is $5,498 per person. There are also two commuter options available between $2,998 and $3,598. Students are encouraged to review what each of these options entails on the course website before deciding which is the right fit for them. Yale’s summer program does have a limited number of need-based scholarships available as well. 

#4: UCLA Summer Institute - Introduction to Investments

What is Taught in This Program?

There is an Introduction to Investments program available over the summer at UCLA, which is designed for high school students. Renowned economics professors teach this course, which discusses an array of investment concepts, including global markets, international investments, and financial panics throughout history. Students also engage in small group discussions with other UCLA students majoring in economics and will learn about potential career options towards the end of the class. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

While the class does not require prior investment experience, there is an application process, and admission is not guaranteed. The application packet includes an essay question, proficiency in the English language, and your most recent transcript.

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This program takes place in California on the UCLA campus. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This course is held for three weeks over the summer. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students must be enrolling in grades 8-12 in the spring of 2022 to participate in this program. Additionally, participants must be 14 or older by June 20, 2022.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This course costs $4,234 per student. This price covers all of the registration fees, program fees, as well as a mandatory housing fee, as staying on campus is required for all participants. UCLA offers a small number of need- and merit-based scholarships for students, though they must be California residents to apply.

Why Learn Investing During the Summer?

Taking a summer investment course is a wonderful way to jumpstart your professional career, regardless of what you hope to do after graduation. These courses present plenty of networking opportunities with professionals in the financial industry. Building these relationships can potentially lead to internships, exciting careers, and friendships with like-minded peers who can provide moral support to each other as they navigate the competitive world of finance. Plenty of these classes also teach foundational skills with Microsoft Excel, which is another addition to your resume that will help you stand out to potential employers or college admissions officials.

Investment and other finance courses are also a way for young people to learn critical money management skills. Of course, there is a steep learning curve when trying to understand how the stock market works, but this knowledge can be incredibly rewarding later in life. Whether you ultimately decide to pursue a career in the finance industry, knowing how to assess risk in the stock market appropriately is a surefire way to set yourself up for financial independence later in life. As an added bonus, younger investors can afford to take more risks since they are more likely to recoup any losses over a more extended period of time. 

Which Investing Summer Program is Right for Me?

After reviewing some of the available options, it’s important to take a step back and assess your priorities before deciding which class is suitable for you. Finances are often the primary concern for young people and their families, especially if they’re also considering paying for traditional college tuition as well. If cost poses a significant barrier for you, you can focus your attention on programs that provide scholarships. 

You’ll also want to reflect on your ideal learning environment. If you prefer in-person learning, all of the programs listed above offer that option. However, most are available at college campuses that may be far away from where you live. If you can afford additional travel expenses, the programs through Columbia, Yale, or UCLA might work for you. But the flexibility of NextGen’s live online program is worth considering even if you’re unsure of virtual learning. Zoom enables students to interact with their instructors and get real-time answers to questions. The teacher can also assist you remotely if they need to demonstrate a specific concept or skill. 

The range of summer investment programs can be overwhelming to review at first. However, it’s important to spend time doing your homework, so you make a decision that you feel comfortable with. Knowing what is expected of you, both financially and in terms of a time commitment, is crucial in preparing for taking an investment course over the summer.