Every year, tens of thousands of high school students take Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science. Students who score highly on this exam are afforded exciting internship opportunities, additional eligibility for scholarships, and entrance to more prestigious universities. One of the best ways to ensure you do well on the exam is to take a preparatory course over the summer. These courses provide you with a foundation of knowledge to draw upon during the school year and help you better engage with the material. 

Let’s discuss some of the best summer programs designed to give you a head start on the AP Computer Science class, including Noble partner school NextGen Bootcamp’s live online AP computer science prep program and NYC computer science prep program. You’ll also learn more about different programs and ways to narrow your search and find the course that works best for you. 

Types of AP Computer Science Prep Programs for High School Students

There is a range of programs available for students interested in preparing for AP Computer Science. While not all of them are marketed this way, many courses that teach the Java programming language are suitable preparation as this is the language students learn in the AP course. One of the most significant differences between these programs is the in-person vs. virtual learning options. Virtual classes are incredibly convenient for students who live in more remote areas or have a lot of summer commitments and don’t have extra time to commute. 

Another important difference between these programs is that different agencies offer them. Some are made available through private companies, while others are offered by universities. Pre-college programs might be fascinating for students eager to get first-hand experience of college life. These courses also vary in length and intensity, meaning that some are more spread out over more extended periods of time.

In addition to the classes listed below, several private tutoring options are available if students feel they require 1:1 attention to be successful. Other programs are designed to be taken during the school year and run concurrently with the class to provide extra support. Summer courses are ideal for students who don’t have much free time during the school year and would rather learn a more challenging concept over the summer when they can better focus. 

#1 NextGen Bootcamp⁠ - Java Summer Program

What is Taught in This Program?

Learn computer science with hands-on projects at the top coding bootcamp for high schoolers. In-person in NYC or live online from anywhere

NextGen Bootcamp offers a Java Summer Program for high school students. In this course, students learn fundamental programming concepts to code with Java. The course also teaches more advanced material, including object-oriented programming and recursive functions. Students add material to their portfolios throughout the course, which can be displayed in any college or job application.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

NextGen’s Java program is suitable for beginner students who don’t have prior coding experience. The only requirement is that students have general knowledge about basic computer skills before enrolling. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This course is taught in person at NextGen’s New York City campus, just blocks from New York University. Students can also participate remotely during the same times the class is taught (Eastern Standard Time). Remote students use Zoom to connect with their classmates and instructor. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

If you take this course in person, it lasts for two weeks, with classes taking place Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The online version of the program is three weeks long. Live sessions are held on weekdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm EST. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

The NextGen Summer Course is ideal for high school and college students. It is beneficial for high school students who plan to take AP Computer Science as it teaches fundamental Java programming skills. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The price of this program depends on which version you take. The in-person class costs $2,495, and the online version costs $1,999. In both cases, the total amount is due before classes start. This amount includes supplemental materials that students can take with them to refer back to as they continue their education. Additionally, NextGen generously offers its students a one-year free retake for any program to ensure they have a solid understanding of the material. 

Students who take the course remotely need access to a PC or Mac computer and may need to purchase additional software. Java is a free, open-source language, so the need to install more programs on your computer will be minimal. NextGen staff will provide support to make sure your computer is ready for class.

NextGen does not have any financial aid or payment plans available for this program. However, students who are also interested in learning to code with Python can look into the Computer Science Summer Certificate Program, which combines the Java course with a Python course for a reduced cost. 

#2: CodeWizardsHQ - AP Computer Science Preparation

What is Taught in This Program?

The AP Computer Science Prep Course offered by CodeWizardsHQ is ideal for students who want to prepare for this AP class in high school. Here, students will enjoy small class sizes (no more than seven students per instructor) as they learn important skills like arrays, data types, and control statements through hands-on activities. Students will receive grades and feedback on their assignments throughout the course so they know where they may need some additional practice.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This course does not require any previous experience and is perfect for beginner learners.

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This program is offered live online only. Students need access to a computer with a microphone; iPads or other tablets are not suitable for the class. Additionally, students are able to access recordings of all live classes to review whenever they need. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This course lasts for three weeks in the summer. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students must be between the ages of 14 and 18 to enroll. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This course costs $447. While there is no financial aid available, payments can be made in three installments of $149. They also offer a money-back guarantee if you cancel within the first four classes. 

#3: Emagination Tech Camps - Summer Coding Camp

What is Taught in This Program?

At Emagination Tech Camps, students can take a Summer Coding Camp that will prepare them for the AP Computer Science program. In this camp, students are taught Java programming skills to build a variety of programs. Some of the projects students complete in this program include servers, Windows applications, and XML web services. Emagination feels that physical health is key to reducing stress, so they also provide plenty of outdoor games for students to play when they aren’t in class.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This program is geared towards beginners.

Where Does This Program Take Place?

Emagination Tech Camps are available in-person only. The program has locations in the following five states: Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This camp is two weeks long. Emagination offers an overnight option for out-of-state students and a day camp option for students who live nearby and plan to commute. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

Students must be between ages 13 and 17 to attend this program.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The prices for Emagination camps vary slightly depending on which state you attend, but the overnight camp is approximately $3,249 and the day camp is approximately $1,695. Emagination also offers up to $850 in assistance to students with a demonstrated financial need. 

#4: Digital Media Academy⁠ - Object-Oriented Programming with Java

What is Taught in This Program?

There is an Object-Oriented Programming with Java course available to high school students through Digital Media Academy. The class covers basic Java syntax that is used to create functions and conditionals. One unique aspect of this curriculum is that it also covers User Interface (UI) design principles, which will help prepare students to use Java for mobile app development.

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

Digital Media Academy classifies this class as Level 1 on the course website. This means it is suitable for beginners with no previous experience. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

Classes at Digital Media Academy are offered exclusively online. Students will use a conferencing program to engage with their instructors and classmates in real-time. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This course offers two scheduling options to accommodate different preferences. The first option lasts for ten weeks and classes are offered in 90-minute sessions one afternoon per week from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm PST/7:00 pm-8:30 pm EST. The second is a one-week program that lasts Monday through Friday from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm PST/4:00 pm to 6:30 pm EST.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

This course is designed for students aged 13-18. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

The one-week program costs $699 and the ten-week program costs $1,125. Digital Media Academy offers a limited number of scholarships for students. The scholarships will cover the full price of the program. They are not needs-based and anyone is eligible to apply. 

#5: Columbia University Pre-college⁠ - Computer Programming for Beginners: Coding with Java

What is Taught in This Program?

Columbia University offers a course called Computer Programming for Beginners: Coding in Java as part of their summer pre-college curriculum. Here, students learn how to program with Java through various methods, including hands-on lab activities, individual projects, and collaborative group exercises with other students. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

Columbia’s Java course is meant for beginners with no previous programming experience. While no prerequisites are needed, students who enroll should enjoy logic puzzles and mathematical challenges. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

This course is taught in person on the Columbia University campus. There are no virtual options available with this program. 

How Long Does This Program Last?

This class lasts for three weeks in the summer. Sessions take place Monday through Friday each week. Classes are held from 11:10am to 1:00pm. Students then have a couple of hours for a break and independent study before class resumes from 3:10 pm to 5:00 pm.

What is the Recommended Age Range?

This course is designed for high school students who desire a challenging environment that mimics a college experience. 

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This program is $6,300 per student. In addition to this course fee, there is a non-refundable application fee of $80. A $1,000 deposit is required to secure your spot in the program, but this amount goes towards the total cost of tuition.

Columbia offers a handful of need-based scholarships for a select few students, covering half of the tuition. Students are also encouraged to speak with their high school counselor to identify other scholarships from local organizations outside of Columbia.

Why Prepare for AP Computer Science During the Summer?

The AP Computer Science exam tests students in the Java programming language, which is notoriously difficult to learn. Preparing for the course over the summer will provide you with extra practice and a background of knowledge, so the course material doesn’t feel as overwhelming during the school year. This is especially important if you plan to take more than one AP course, a common choice for more driven students. Many of the courses are project-based, which has been shown to lead to a higher level of understanding. 

Taking a summer prep course can also lead to exciting networking opportunities and build lasting friendships. The other students you work with during the summer will be an excellent support system as you navigate the stresses and challenges of taking an AP class. Many of these programs also allow students to review course material throughout the year, giving them access to additional resources that their high school classmates may not have. 

Which AP Computer Science Prep Course is Right for Me?

Now that you’ve seen the variety of courses offered to help you prepare for the AP Computer Science class, you might be wondering how you’ll narrow your search. There are several important factors to consider when choosing where to enroll. For a lot of students, finances are their top concern. Although computer science skills often lead to high-paying jobs later in life, investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars into one of these programs is a significant decision for some families. 

When considering the cost of a summer course, it’s essential to look at the program’s cost per hour to understand how much you’re getting for your money. For example, NextGen’s online program costs $1,999 for 45 hours of live instruction, while one of Digital Media Academy’s courses costs $1,125 for 15 hours. Although the NextGen program is a higher cost overall, the price per hour makes it a smart investment. 

It’s also important to recognize your current comfort level with computer science to make sure you choose a program that will challenge you without being too confusing. All of the classes listed above are for beginners, but many of these schools have other programs for students who have already had experience programming with Java. You’ll also want to consider your ideal learning environment when deciding where to enroll. Virtual learning is undoubtedly a convenient option, but many students feel they learn best in a traditional classroom setting. NextGen, Columbia, or Emagination might be your best bet if that sounds like you. 

Preparing for the AP Computer Science class over the summer is advantageous, but choosing which program to attend can be daunting. Luckily, there are a variety of programs that can accommodate many academic and financial needs. Examining your priorities will ensure that you select the right program for your unique needs.

Can high school students learn computer science?

Absolutely and learning science can provide you with a fascinating array of excellent benefits! First, you can start coding fun and useful apps you can quickly sell for money using Android and Apple stores. Even better, you can easily transition into college-based courses and master more advanced concepts like database management, computer science theory, and more. Knowing all these techniques can help you become a more skilled coder.

Should high school students attend an AP computer science course?

If you’re interested in the tech industry and want to join this rapidly growing and always exciting field, you should take computer science classes in the summer. The skills you’ll learn about database management, programming languages, networking, and security can translate to almost every tech field! As a result, it should be easy for you to transition into a fun and unforgettable career, mainly if you use these courses to prepare for a college education.

Which AP computer science course is best for high school students?

NextGen Bootcamp provides several high-quality computer science courses you can take over the summer! Designed to fit into your busy lifestyle (typically taking only a few weeks), these programs immerse you in computer science concepts to teach you Java, Python, database management, and much more. Computer Science Summer Program NYC and Computer Science Summer Certificate Program Live Online take 95 hours to complete.

Is it worth attending an AP computer science course as a high school student?

Are you looking to become a computer specialist in fields as diverse as web design, coding, network security, and ecommerce? Taking a high school computer science summer program can help you by immersing you in the unique skills necessary to succeed in this field. You’ll learn essential subjects like Python and Java and practice data management and other techniques that can ensure you transition easily into a college or professional career.