Data science is quickly becoming one of the most important disciplines in today’s workforce. From Data Analysts to Machine Learning Engineers, data science professionals process and study raw data to provide analyses, draw conclusions, and help drive decisions about changing or even creating products and services.

The need for data science has grown so quickly, Glassdoor’s 50 Best Jobs in America for 2022 lists Data Scientist at the number three position—a strong recommendation for anyone considering a future in this dynamic field.

The Most Common Data Science Roles

While many data science professionals work in banking and financial services, others work for non-profits, in governmental agencies, or in large sectors like healthcare and retail. Some of the most common roles include:

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Engineer
  • Database Manager
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Statistician

If you’re seeking an entry-level job, you should look for titles like Data Analyst, Jr. Business Analyst, or Business Intelligence Analyst. Those planning to qualify for the best-paying data science careers should train for roles like Machine Learning Engineer, Data Architect, or Enterprise Architect, which are typically high-level positions.

Bootcamps for Data Science Students

Whether data science bootcamps are worth it can depend on a student’s aptitude and initiative. Some will check out the field through a short class and decide it’s not for them. Others, especially those with a particular career goal in mind, may decide a four-year degree program is the only way to go.

Data Science Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Among the most obvious benefits of a bootcamp or certificate program are its length and the cost. Unlike a short seminar, which can only offer limited value, a bootcamp lasts weeks, or even months. However, unlike a degree, it won’t take years to complete either. For many, bootcamps are the perfect midpoint between a workshop and a pricey college or university program.

Noble Desktop offers an immersive Data Science Certificate that students can complete in three weeks full-time, or three months part-time. This program prepares students for roles in data science or data analysis, with an emphasis on Python programming and machine learning models. Subjects include:

Students looking to specialize as Data Analysts or Business Analysts might prefer Noble’s Data Analytics Certificate program. Subjects in this program include:

An additional FinTech Bootcamp offers training in Python for finance, in addition to data science, automation, and machine learning. This bootcamp is appropriate for students planning careers as Financial Analysts or Business Intelligence Analysts, and is open to beginners.

The Importance of Python

By now, you understand the importance of Python in the data science field. Of all the popular computer languages data science professionals use, Python sits atop of the list, above Java, R, and JavaScript. Many Data Scientists learn these languages, too, as well as C/C++ and others, but Python looks like it will remain number one for the foreseeable future.

If you plan to focus on Python data science in particular, consider enrolling in one of these Python-centered bootcamps:

  • Python Machine Learning Bootcamp - This 30-hour program teaches students basic and advanced regression analysis, machine learning algorithms, and decision trees. Whereas the Python for Data Science Bootcamp is open to beginners, students in the Python Machine Learning Bootcamp should already be comfortable with Python, NumPy and Pandas prior to enrollment. The Python for Data Science Bootcamp is the perfect prerequisite for this course, but students save if they take both courses as part of the Data Science Certificate program.
  • Python Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp - Like the Data Science Certificate, the Python Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp is open to beginners. In this 66-hour program, students master Python basics, as well as the following:
    • Machine learning algorithms
    • Pandas
    • NumPy
    • Matplotlib
    • Scikit-learn

Additional Benefits of the Bootcamp Model

Certificate programs, including those consisting of multiple bootcamps, offer a host of benefits. In addition to providing in-depth training in a condensed time frame, the bootcamp model also has other advantages. Consider the following:

  • Bootcamps prepare you for a new career. Whether you’re already working in a data-centered position or you’re a data science beginner, programs like the Data Science Certificate give you the tools you need to start or to level up from an existing role.
  • Certificate programs and bootcamps provide training in the most in-demand skills. In an area like data science, which is growing at a rapid pace, this is essential.
  • These programs can be both affordable and flexible. Many bootcamps and even longer certificate programs are available on either a part-time or full-time basis, benefiting recent high school grads and busy professionals alike.
  • Bootcamp graduates get jobs. Most employers recruiting for data science positions report that bootcamps prepare students as well as computer science degree programs, and in some cases, even better.
  • Bootcamps help students build a network. While networking might not be your main consideration when studying data science, the bootcamp model offers an instant network of professionals—including mentorship, which many programs also provide.

Data Science Graduates Speak

The overwhelming consensus is that data science bootcamps and certificate programs are worth the investment. Here are a few alumni reviews from Noble Desktop courses:

A graduate from the Data Science Certificate program says, “This course prepared me well…to use and apply Python through a thorough, yet understandable curriculum.”

From a Python for Data Science alumnus comes this comment: “I always knew the instructor was eager to help me understand the material. Excellent class!”

And a Data Analytics Certificate graduate adds, “Noble Desktop is always there for you [with] professional, supportive, engaging, and down-to-earth instructors.”

To learn more about Noble Desktop’s data science and data analytics programs, check out their courses and certificates in data science.