Determining if web development is the right career involves assessing your aptitude for coding, interest, and whether the lifestyle aligns with your personal preferences. This piece provides a thorough guide for deciding if a career in web development is right for you, as well as detailed insights into the various specializations within the field.

Key Insights

  • A successful Web Developer will need a robust aptitude for coding, patience to rigorously test and debug their code, discipline for strict version control, and a sustained interest in the tasks involved in web development.
  • Developers can specialize as front end developers focusing on design and user experience, back end developers who work on the site's internal structure and functionality, or full stack developers who have both front end and back end skills.
  • The work schedule of a Web Developer is usually 9 AM to 5 PM but can require overtime during crucial deadlines. The workflow can vary according to project cycles and information availability.
  • Before selecting web development as a career, consider the job opportunities in your preferred living area and whether the salary aligns with your desired lifestyle.
  • Web development does not require a specific degree. Other pathways such as bootcamps can provide the necessary skills. Coding, patience, and self-discipline are vital skills for this profession.
  • Noble Desktop offers in-person or live online instructions for acquiring the necessary skills to become a Web Developer. They offer certificate programs in software engineering, front end web development, JavaScript, full stack development, and Python development.

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether web development is the right career for you. Only you can answer this subjective question, but a self-aware assessment of these factors can help you make the decision. 

To succeed as a Web Developer, you will need a strong aptitude for coding, the patience to test and debug your code rigorously, and the discipline to maintain strict version control. If you possess these qualities, another important question to ask yourself is whether the tasks of a Web Developer will sustain your interest over time. Are they a strong fit enough with your skills and aptitudes that you can excel in the field, yet also challenging enough to keep you engaged and motivated to learn more? 

In terms of your personal preferences and work patterns, you’ll also want to think about whether a Web Developer’s schedule and workflow match the way you work. And if you know where you would like to live, you should consider whether there are ample employment opportunities for Web Developers in the area you are interested in, although this consideration is somewhat more flexible in this era of growth in remote work. You’ll also want to think about the salary of a Web Developer and whether it will allow you to live your desired lifestyle in the area you want to be located.

Even after you make the decision to become a Web Developer, there will be further factors to consider as you choose a specialization. Are you fascinated by design and user experience, such that you’d make a great front end developer? Or do you find the internal data structure and algorithms of a site or app more interesting, making you more suited to back end work? Maybe you’re ambitious and multi-talented, in which case you could go for a full stack development specialization. In addition to choosing your specialization carefully, you’ll also want to think about whether you are best suited to working with a team of other Web Developers, or whether you’d rather be the sole Web Developer in your organization.

What is a Web Developer?

A Web Developer builds websites and web applications for companies or clients who hire them to create a product that serves a specific purpose. They are responsible for meeting the project objectives while providing a positive experience for the end user. Web Developers write and test the product’s code and are often responsible for maintaining performance and capacity. 

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Various specializations fall under the Web Development umbrella. A front end developer focuses on the visual elements of a website or application—that is, the interface that the end user sees and interacts with. A back end developer designs and creates the site’s behind-the-scenes structure and functionality. However, the type of web developer most desirable to employers is a full stack developer with front end and back-end development skills.

Web developers may work solo or as part of a team, often depending on whether they are freelance or work full-time for a particular company. Almost any business in any industry needs a web developer, but whether they have a web development team or hire a freelance developer will depend on their circumstances. Businesses need web developers because having an online presence increases their client base. Many businesses also need web developers because they want to connect with potential customers through their own web applications. 

Read more about what a Web Developer does.

Why Become a Web Developer?

Web development is a good career option for many reasons. A Web Developer can expect to command a sizable salary and benefits. They also have a strong job outlook today, and future projections show that Web Developers will continue to be in increasing demand for at least the next decade. The ever-evolving nature of web technology also suggests that future Web Developers will be needed to achieve web applications we cannot imagine today.

For this same reason and others, Web Developer is also a career that brings a great deal of interest and challenge with it. There is great room for growth in web development, from promotion and increased salary to the development of new and exciting skills that will put you in even higher demand. A Web Developer is always solving new problems and tackling new challenges. They also typically have considerable agency over how, when, and where they do their work, as long as they attend scheduled meetings and fulfill their assigned deadlines to ensure timely project completion.

Read more about whether Web Developer is a good career.

Critical Skills

Before you decide to become a Web Developer, you’ll need to be confident you have an aptitude for the position’s critical skills. Naturally, a Web Developer must be highly skilled at coding, so you’ll be best suited to this type of position if you either have access to an excellent education in coding, have existing experience with this skill, or both. Since most types of Web Developers use multiple programming languages, too, you’ll want to make sure you can pick up different ones rather than mastering only one.

In addition to coding skills, a Web Developer needs to have patience. Testing and debugging code is a vital part of web development, but the process can be tedious. A good Web Developer will test and debug rigorously for every section of code they write. Similarly, web development requires self-discipline, particularly in the matter of version control. To avoid losing valuable work, you’ll need to faithfully maintain every version of your work through Git or a similar system. If you are a strong coder with large stores of patience and self-discipline, you’ll likely make a good Web Developer.

Interest and Challenge

Even if you know you have the needed skills for a Web Developer, that doesn’t necessarily make the role right for you. You must also be interested in what you are looking to do! Does the creative process of designing and/or building sites and apps excite and inspire you? The tasks of a Web Developer must also be challenging enough for you to keep you engaged in your work. If you sense that you would get so bored of all that testing and debugging that you might have difficulty staying motivated, you may want to consider another path.

Schedule and Workflow

You will also want to think about whether the schedule and workflow of a Web Developer are suited to the way you work. While many Web Developers often do most of their work between 9 AM and 5 PM, you may be expected to put in overtime as an important deadline nears. Similarly, the work of a Web Developer tends to ebb and flow according to product cycles and the availability of the information they need to proceed with the next step of a project. If you want your work to flow at a steady and predictable pace, web development may not be for you. However, if you thrive on variety and don’t mind putting in some extra hours, you could make an excellent Web Developer. 

Location, Salary, and Lifestyle

In addition to considering whether you are suited for the actual work of a Web Developer, you’ll also want to think about how becoming a Web Developer might fit into the larger pattern of your life. Are there ample web development jobs available in the types of places where you’d like to live? Is the salary range of a Web Developer in those markets high enough for you to live the lifestyle you desire? These questions are particularly specific to you, but they are crucial to consider.

Which Specialization?

If you decide to become a Web Developer, you’ll also need to consider which specialization you want to choose within the field. Those who are primarily interested in the internal data structures and algorithms of a site or app will likely be best suited to back end development, while those who are fascinated with design and user experience will make good front end Developers. Students who are particularly ambitious and want to earn high salaries may want to master both specialties, ultimately becoming full stack Web Developers.

Team or Solo?

When you start looking for a job as a Web Developer, you will want to think about what kind of work environment you are best suited for. Would you prefer to work as part of a team of Web Developers, collaborating on designs and code? Or do you want to be the only Web Developer in your workplace, so that you can go about accomplishing the requested tasks however you see fit? There are advantages to both, and it’s important to know which suits you best.

Do I Need a Degree to Become a Web Developer?

If you don’t have a college degree, or you do have one, but it is not in a field directly relevant to web development, don’t worry! To become a Web Developer, you don’t need a computer science or IT degree. A two-year or four-year computer science degree is just one way to become a Web Developer, but you can take many other paths. A bootcamp is an effective way for aspiring Web Developers to learn coding and other necessary skills.

 Additionally, even if you don’t have a degree, you may have already acquired crucial soft skills, such as communication and teamwork, in your current position, especially if your job involves customer service or mastery of technical procedures. Or perhaps you do have a college degree but fear it may be irrelevant to your web development aspirations. You may be surprised to find that just about any college degree can contribute something to your qualifications. College teaches study skills applicable across fields. 

Read more about if you need a degree to become a Web Developer.

Learn the Skills to Become a Web Developer at Noble Desktop

To become a Web Developer, you must learn specific skills critical to the job. Noble Desktop can help you build these skills through in-person or live online instruction. Either way, you’ll have access to expert instructors who can clarify issues when you are confused, provide feedback on your work, and guide you through becoming a Web Developer. Small class sizes and the option to retake any course for free once you’ve completed it are additional incentives for studying with Noble Desktop.

Noble offers several relevant certificate programs demonstrating your Web Developer skills and qualifications to share with potential employers and support you in your job search. Completing the software engineering certificate gives you the broadest qualifications and career path options. If you are primarily interested in developing for the front end, consider the front end web development certificate. JavaScript is becoming increasingly popular for web development, so completing the certificate in JavaScript will boost your resume. Opt for the full stack development certificate if you're interested in front end and back end programming. And if you prefer behind-the-scenes programming, pursue the certificate in Python development.

If you’re a beginner in web development, Noble’s hub of articles and resources on web development is a great place to start and plan your learning path. Noble’s web development courses are excellent if you’re eager to start learning but not yet ready to commit to a full certificate.

Key Takeaways

  • When deciding whether to become a Web Developer, you’ll want to consider these factors:
    • Skillset: Do you have strong coding skills, or are you confident that you can build them?
    • Patience and Discipline: Do you have the patience for endless testing and debugging? What about the discipline to maintain strict version control throughout the development cycle?
    • Interest and Challenge: Will web development be a challenging enough field to maintain your interest over time and inspire you to pursue new skills?
    • Schedule and Workflow: Are you all right with occasional overtime and a varied, sometimes unpredictable pace of work?
    • Location, Salary, and Lifestyle: Does the salary offered in the location you want to work in fit the lifestyle that you want to maintain? 
    • Specialization: Which specialization would you like to pursue within web development?
    • Teamwork vs. Solo Work: Would you rather join a team of other Web Developers, or would you like to be the sole Web Developer in your workplace?
  • You can receive comprehensive training to become a Web Developer through an in-person or live online course with Noble Desktop.