Teaser: Preparing for a web developer interview entails more than just showcasing your portfolio. Apart from demonstrating technical skills, candidates need to be ready to articulate their passion for web development, their understanding of the role and responsibilities, and their proficiency in programming languages, among other things.

Key Insights:

  • Preparation for web developer interviews goes beyond presenting your educational qualifications and portfolio. It also includes being ready to answer common interview questions related to your field.
  • Web developer interviews usually consist of at least three interviews: an initial phone screening, a general interview with a hiring manager, a technical interview, and an on-site interview that could be a panel or several one-on-one interviews.
  • Interviewers assess a candidate's passion for the role, their understanding of the main responsibilities of a web developer, their proficiency in different programming languages, and their knowledge of web protocols.
  • One essential question to prepare for is explaining the difference between HTTP/2 and HTTP 1.1, which tests a candidate's understanding of how web protocols work.
  • Another critical question is about optimizing and reducing web application load time. A well-prepared candidate would be able to demonstrate an understanding of tools and techniques used to analyze a website's speed and reduce load time.
  • In the end, the interviewer will likely ask if the candidate has any questions for them. This is a chance for the candidate to show their specific interest in the role and the company.
  • Noble Desktop offers several relevant certificate programs to build the necessary skills to become a web developer, including software engineering, front end web development, JavaScript development, full stack development, and Python development.

No matter how skilled you are at your work, you’ll have difficulty finding work if you don’t spend time preparing and practicing for your interview. Your education and portfolio may secure the interview for you, but after that point, your preparation and practice will be vital to success. Part of preparing for a job interview is being ready to answer common interview questions for your field. You’ll want to practice the questions you know you can expect several times so that you can answer them smoothly and confidently.

What to Expect in a Web Developer Interview

The interview process for a Web Developer can vary significantly. However, you will likely have at least three interviews for most web development jobs. There will often be an initial phone screening interview with a recruiter, in which they confirm that you have the basic qualifications for the job. Sometimes, this will be followed by a general interview with a hiring manager in which you discuss the role and your qualifications in greater depth. Whether or not you have a second-round general interview, you will definitely have a technical interview in which you will be asked to demonstrate your skills by addressing practical coding problems. The final interview will typically be an on-site interview, in which you may have a panel interview or may meet with several individuals for one-on-one interviews.

Top Interview Questions for Web Developers

How Did You Become Interested in Web Development?

With this question, the hiring manager will attempt to determine your level of passion for the role and commitment to the role. They will want to know that you are genuinely excited about web development. This question will allow them to identify whether you are enthusiastic and motivated. It will also give them a sense of your experience. For example, have you been interested in coding since you were a young child, or is this a more recent fascination, and if so, what motivated the change?

How to answer

Answering this question well depends on your ability to craft a compelling personal narrative about yourself. (This is one of the “soft skills” that Web Developers need on top of their technical ones.) You’ll need to show the interviewer how you first became intrigued by the topic, why it seized your interest, and how it continued to be compelling enough over time that you ultimately sought a career in the field. This question also gives you a chance to demonstrate the enthusiasm you would show if given the role and to begin laying out your experience as a journey that leads to this position in particular. 

What Are The Main Responsibilities of a Web Developer?

A Web Developer must fully understand their role and what they contribute to the overall development process. This question helps the interviewer learn how you see the role of a Web Developer. They will pay particular attention to this answer because it shows how you will support the team and which tasks you are prepared to take ownership of. It will also help them assess the clarity of your thinking about the role you play in the team and the process.

How to answer

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In answering this question, you should attend to the specifics of the role you are interviewing for. It’s not enough to give a general definition of what Web Developers do. Rather, you should take into account the responsibilities assigned to this particular role in the way that you shape your answer. You would give a different answer to this question for a front end role than for a back end one, or for a role creating a site vs a role maintaining an existing application.

What Programming Languages Are You Proficient In?

This question will allow the interviewer to identify whether you have the necessary skills for the position you’re interviewing for. It will also demonstrate to them the respective levels of proficiency and enthusiasm you have developed for different languages. It will show them your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your experiences and preferences. Another aspect of this question to be aware of is that it will provide openings for them to ask follow-up questions about specific languages. 

How to answer

Most importantly, be sure to answer this question honestly. Aside from the general importance of honesty in a job interview, you don’t want to be caught out by a follow-up question in which you’re expected to know the specifics of a language you have little familiarity with. You also don’t want to end up in a position that requires deep knowledge that you lack. It’s one thing to stretch yourself in a role, another to be left scrambling to catch up at the very beginning. You should also make sure to address every one of the languages mentioned in the job ad, even if all you can say is that you’re eager to learn them. This will show that you have paid attention to the requirements and expectations of the job you’re applying for.

What is the Difference between HTTP/2 and HTTP 1.1?

You may be asked this question in a technical interview. It will give the interviewer a chance to determine whether you have deeper knowledge of how web protocols work, showing them how your methods and approach may align with the requirements of the role. They will be looking for your overall ability to recall detailed information and your understanding of HTTP.

How to answer

More detail is better here. Make sure to explain that HTTP/2 was designed to improve the performance of web applications. It reduces their load times and improves communication between servers and browsers, thereby making the applications simpler and faster. The more data-based and in-depth your answer is, the more effective it will be.

How Will You Optimize and Reduce Web Application Load Time?

Load time is one of the most important factors in determining whether a user will want to return to a website or app. Most users want to see it load in two seconds or less. The question will show the interviewer whether you are aware of the importance of load time. It will also allow them to determine whether you know how a Web Developer can analyze data in order to track improvements that can optimize load time.

How to answer

You should be sure to emphasize that you understand how important load time is. A good way to do this is by placing yourself in the shoes of a user who is visiting the website or using the app that you will be working on, and explaining what their experience would be. You also need to show that you understand what tools you can use to analyze a website’s speed and the techniques you would employ to reduce load time. It’s also good to show concrete evidence that you have tangibly reduced the load time of a project you have worked on and explain how you did it. 

Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

This question allows the interviewer to find out whether you have given thought to the specifics of their position and company. They will want to know that they are not just another job you’ve applied to, but a role you’re interested in for specific reasons. By asking this, they can also see whether you are self-aware about what you’re looking for in a role.

How to answer

Make sure to use the details of the job ad and the research you’ve done on the company when you answer this question. (Yes, you need to do research on every company you interview with.) Ask them questions that show your attention to detail and your specific interest in working at this company in particular. This is also your time to ask genuine questions that will help you determine whether this is a place you want to work, but be diplomatic—remember, this is still part of the overall impression you are making on the people you want to work for.

Learn the Skills to Become a Web Developer at Noble Desktop

To become a Web Developer, you must learn specific skills critical to the job. Noble Desktop can help you build these skills through in-person or live online instruction. Either way, you’ll have access to expert instructors who can clarify issues when you are confused, provide feedback on your work, and guide you through becoming a Web Developer. Small class sizes and the option to retake any course for free once you’ve completed it are additional incentives for studying with Noble Desktop.

Noble offers several relevant certificate programs demonstrating your Web Developer skills and qualifications to share with potential employers and support you in your job search. Completing the software engineering certificate gives you the broadest qualifications and career path options. If you are primarily interested in developing for the front end, consider the front end web development certificate. JavaScript is becoming increasingly popular for web development, so completing the certificate in JavaScript will boost your resume. Opt for the full stack development certificate if you're interested in front end and back end programming. And if you prefer behind-the-scenes programming, pursue the certificate in Python development.

If you’re a beginner in web development, Noble’s hub of articles and resources on web development is a great place to start and plan your learning path. Noble’s web development courses are excellent if you’re eager to start learning but not yet ready to commit to a full certificate.