Your journey to becoming an SQL Developer from home starts by pursuing the necessary training. SQL Developers need to learn the foundations of building and developing databases using SQL and often need to learn additional programming languages as well as have a good handle on Business Intelligence. These skills can be gained through at-home training by engaging with free resources, on-demand classes, or even live online, instructor-led classes and bootcamps. For those interested in not only learning at home but also working from home, one can find SQL Developers jobs as a freelancer or look for positions with remote or hybrid work-from-home options. Remote work is becoming easier to find as companies realize that SQL Developers can produce great results by working from home and collaborating with their team members virtually. 

What SQL Developer Training Method is Right for Me?

When considering at-home training, it is particularly important to determine which mode of instruction and type of course will work best for you. Free and low-cost self-teaching materials are readily available online, though some students find themselves overwhelmed by these materials and struggle to learn the skills necessary from free resources alone. On-demand or self-paced courses are an often low-cost option that provides more structure to learn how to become an SQL Developer. These are best for self-motivated learners who pick up material quickly on their own. One of the best options for learning comprehensive SQL Developer skills is taking a live online class or bootcamp. These types of courses offer students guidance and training from an expert instructor as well as hands-on practice creating and developing databases so that students can get started building their careers as SQL Developers. 

What is an SQL Developer?

An SQL Developer designs, develops, and maintains large-scale databases for a business or organization. SQL Developers are responsible for tasks such as creating database structures, writing, analyzing, and optimizing SQL queries to retrieve data and enhance performance, and making sure databases are up-to-date, backed up, and secure. To do this job, one needs to not only know SQL and database design, but also be familiar with major relational database management systems, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. In addition, SQL developers often need to know other programming languages and Business Intelligence (BI) processes and tools. 

SQL Developers work in all industries and are frequently employed by companies that handle large amounts of data and information, like the tech industry, education, healthcare, finance, and retail. Depending on the position, some employers in industries like healthcare and finance are looking for SQL Developers who have experience working with their data and platforms, in particular. An SQL Developer will most often find themselves working on a larger team of IT professionals, meaning they need to work collaboratively and have good communication skills. SQL Developers need to collaborate with software developers and data analysts and communicate with those in other departments like marketing or operations about how to implement data requirements. Additionally, SQL Developers may need to communicate with other stakeholders, third-party vendors, and clients as part of their role. 

Can I Learn to Be an SQL Developer From Home?

Yes, you can learn how to be an SQL Developer from home. Most do not find learning SQL itself to be too difficult and there are free database management systems like PostgreSQL that one can download and start to work with from home. Additionally, there are free and paid courses, guides, and tutorials to get started with SQL development without having to leave one’s home or attend an in-person class. The availability of a variety of online resources makes it so almost anyone can learn the skills needed to become an SQL Developer from home, though there are some important limitations to consider as you choose the best way to learn from home. 

What are the Advantages of Learning From Home?

SQL Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

The biggest advantages of learning from home are convenience and flexibility. Whether someone has a busy schedule or lives in an area without access to an in-person training facility, it is often a lot easier to learn from home and one can learn around their own schedule. If someone is learning SQL and its related skills alongside having other commitments, it will be easier to learn from home and they will not have to commit to uprooting their schedule or life to follow this career path. When learning from home, you will have more control over which resources to access, like YouTube tutorials or specific blogs catering to freelance SQL Developers, and you can study when it works best for you. 

Another benefit to learning from home is that there are a variety of quality free and paid resources that prospective SQL Developers can pursue. There are free and low-cost options, like eBooks, guides, YouTube videos, or on-demand courses that make it easy to learn the foundational skills necessary to become an SQL Developer. Additionally, for those who need more guidance and structure, many classes, bootcamps, and certification programs have on-demand or live online options where students can expect to receive expert training and practice similar to what would be offered in an in-person course. 

What are the Disadvantages of Learning From Home?

While learning from home has advantages and even benefits, some people can find it isolating. Learning alone can be a challenge, especially if someone is learning only from free online resources or self-paced on-demand classes. Live online classes and bootcamps should help someone to overcome any isolation, as these classes will allow for interaction with other students as well as an expert instructor. Whether due to competing entertainment options, household chores, or needing to provide care for children, family members, or pets, the home can also be a very distracting place. If someone runs into these distractions, it might work better to find a quiet cafe, public library, or co-working space where one can study outside of the home. 

What Resources are Available to Help Me Become an SQL Developer at Home?

Those wanting to learn SQL and become an SQL Developer can find many free and paid online resources. Free resources are great for those just starting with SQL or who want to add to their skill set with more specialized information or tools. In addition to free resources, on-demand or self-paced classes and live online classes and bootcamps are available and these are great options for those wanting to learn comprehensive SQL and developer skills from home. Self-paced classes are often more cost-effective though they lack the guidance of an instructor whereas live online classes and bootcamps provide students with hands-on training and individualized feedback to help them progress throughout the course. 

Free Resources

Free online resources are a great way to learn the basics of SQL and get started learning the skills necessary to become an SQL Developer. These resources include eBooks, video tutorials on YouTube, free on-demand classes, blogs, websites, and guides. A good place to start is by learning SQL, a language that many find easy to learn the basics of using free or low-cost resources. For those who want to become an Oracle Developer, in particular, Oracle offers not only free self-paced classes but several free tools that one can use. Many of the tools and programs that SQL Developers use are available for free, so it should be cost-effective for beginners to get started working with them. 

While free resources are the most cost-effective way to gain the skills necessary to become an SQL Developer, there are some downsides to using only free resources to train yourself. Free resources are great for learning the foundations of SQL, database management systems, and related tools, but learning more advanced features and how they are used by SQL Developers is best done in an instructor-led class. When learning from free resources, there is no one to guide students in best practices, answer questions, or help with any problems that someone might run into. This lack of guidance can leave students feeling overwhelmed and frustrated making it take longer to learn this skill set than necessary. 

On-Demand Classes

On-demand classes offer more structure for students and are a great training method for those who need more flexible scheduling options. An on-demand class is self-paced and students are given access to course material that they can work through at their own speed. This allows students to receive structured instruction while being able to skip over easier material and slow down to study more difficult or more important material. Prospective SQL Developers can find both free and paid classes geared toward one’s level and needs. Beginners can find classes that will introduce SQL, database management tools, and some basics about data manipulation or analysis in an on-demand class and there are on-demand classes that will combine skill sets like SQL, Python, and BI software specifically for those who want to become SQL Developers. 

This mode of instruction is best for self-motivated learners. For those with busy schedules who need to study outside of a regular live, instructor-led class, on-demand classes will allow them to learn the skills necessary to become an SQL Developer. A limitation of this type of instruction is that, like free resources, students are left without a lot of guidance as they move through the course material. Some students find it frustrating to follow along with written guides or video tutorials rather than being able to receive individualized feedback on their skills that is catered to their own needs as learners and prospective SQL Developers. 

Live Online Classes and Bootcamps

Live online, instructor-led classes and bootcamps are a great option for those who want to learn SQL Developer skills from home. This mode of instruction is most comparable to an in-person class and students should expect to receive the same level of quality training from a live online class led by an expert instructor. For prospective SQL Developers, you can find SQL classes for beginners and more advanced learners, individual classes for skills and tools you will need like programming and Business Intelligence, and also find comprehensive bootcamps for those who want to learn an entire skill set over a short period. Which class or bootcamp you choose should be determined by your goals and needs as a learner. 

SQL bootcamps are an especially useful option for those with busy schedules who want to jump-start their SQL Developer career. Bootcamps are accelerated classes that aim to teach students everything they need to know about a skill set or topic in a few days or weeks. SQL bootcamps will often teach basic SQL skills as well as more advanced ones so that students walk away with comprehensive knowledge. Additionally, most SQL bootcamps will cover some of the other topics an SQL Developer needs like important tools to use when developing or optimizing databases. 

One of the main reasons to take a live online class and bootcamp instead of relying on free resources or taking an on-demand class is access to an expert instructor. In live online classes, student learning is guided and led by an expert, who is there to answer questions, provide further resources, and troubleshoot issues. Additionally, the practice students receive will be more hands-on, so that students are not only following along with a static set of written guidelines or a pre-recorded video tutorial. This means that the practice can adapt to the student’s needs and that students can receive real feedback on the skills they are learning to improve and build their knowledge throughout the course. 

This mode of instruction can also have limitations. Though one can often find more cost-effective live online SQL training, some of these classes and bootcamps can be expensive. It is important to do your research to determine which class works best for you and your wallet as there are training facilities that provide quality live online classes at a lower cost than traditional options and some less reputable options with inflated costs. Additionally, it can be difficult for some to commit to attending a class for a set number of hours, days, or weeks. In this case, you should look for programs that offer part-time options to ease the burden of committing to a class schedule. Many part-time options will include classes scheduled during the evenings or on weekends for those who cannot attend during the traditional workweek.

How to Find SQL Developer Work at Home

Not only can you learn how to become an SQL Developer from home, but you can also do SQL development work from home. Many beginning and experienced SQL Developers do freelance work, where they find their own clients and sign short-term, project-based contracts with them. Many freelance jobs are offered as remote work options so that those who want to work from home or, at least, outside of a traditional on-site office can do so. Additionally, many full-time, part-time, and in-house SQL Developer jobs are now offered as remote or hybrid options, making it easy to be an SQL Developer from any location. Once you have the skills necessary to build and develop databases for clients, you can start marketing your skills as a freelancer or looking for remote, work-from-home positions as an SQL Developer. 

Freelance Opportunities

Freelancing as an SQL Developer means that you need to find your own clients and you remain in control of when you work and your rates. Freelancing is similar to running your own business and freelance SQL Developers will need to negotiate their own contracts, keep track of their time and finances, and engage in self-promotion to market their services and build relationships with potential clients. Freelancers should develop their web presence and join different websites and social media groups to grow their network and market their skills. This can include signing up for websites specifically for freelancers to find work like Upwork and engaging with other SQL Developers and potential clients in online groups or through work-related social media websites like LinkedIn. 

Freelancing from home is a great option for those just starting as an SQL Developer or those with a few years of experience working as an SQL Developer who want more freedom to determine their own schedule and pursue higher-paying options. Those just starting can gain experience by taking on short-term contracts and working on individual projects for different clients. Many SQL Developer freelancers start by building databases for friends, family, or colleagues running small businesses or businesses that need help using data to optimize their performance or efficiency. By contrast, those with years of experience will likely be better able to leverage their experience and skill set to find higher-paying jobs or jobs within specific industries, like finance, healthcare, or education, that have particular kinds of data and database needs. This type of person will likely have a more developed network of relationships where they can take on repeat clients or are more frequently recommended for jobs by previous clients or colleagues. 

Finding Remote Jobs as an SQL Developer

Many SQL Developers, whether working freelance or in-house for a specific company, can find remote SQL development jobs. Remote SQL Developers will still be in charge of building and developing databases, though from home rather than on-site. While some aspects of an SQL Developer’s job will necessarily be somewhat solo forms of writing code and optimizing queries, for instance, remote workers will still be working as part of a larger team of other developers and IT professionals. As part of a larger team, remote workers will have virtual meetings to attend over video call platforms like Zoom and likely be asked to maintain communication with other team members, colleagues, and supervisors through email and other messaging platforms like Slack. Remote SQL Developers should expect to have regular meetings, though they will be more in control of where they work and might be able to work outside of the regular workweek if desired. 

Prospective remote SQL Developers will not have to look far for full- and part-time remote positions. It is common to find SQL Developers jobs being offered remotely or even with hybrid options, for those who want the flexibility of working from home sometimes and needing to come into the office at other times. Those seeking remote work can find positions in a variety of industries and there is no one specific industry that hires remote SQL Developers over others. Instead, it is slightly more likely for those with years of experience to able to find remote Senior SQL Developers jobs as they have had more opportunities to prove themselves and show they can successfully manage large databases and build them according to the needs of a business or organization. 

How Will Remote Work as an SQL Developer Differ From On-Site Work?

The main difference between remote work as an SQL Developer and on-site work is location. Remote SQL Developers should expect to have the same job responsibilities as their on-site counterparts but have more flexibility about where they complete this work. Many remote workers choose to work from home due to convenience. It can be hard for some people to commute to work or find reliable childcare options and remote work can be a way to do SQL development and build one’s career while having the ability to work from anywhere. 

Because remote workers can work from anywhere and are sometimes even able to work outside of typical business hours, remote workers need to be more self-disciplined and able to put aside other distractions to focus on work. Those who need a more focused work environment often choose to do part or all of their work at places like coffee shops, public libraries, or coworking spaces, such as those offered by WeWork. Isolation can be a large downside of remote work, as remote SQL Developers might have a harder time initially building strong relationships with colleagues due to distance and the impersonal feeling of virtual meetings. Those working remotely will need to make more of an effort to get to know one’s team members and colleagues, as this will not only make it easier to work with others but will also help them build up their professional relationships and network. 

Learn the Skills to Become an SQL developer at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop provides high-quality classes taught by expert instructors that can prepare you to become an SQL Developer. Whether you want to transition from another job into a career as an SQL Developer or upskill by learning SQL, Noble offers classes, bootcamps, and certificate programs with full-time and part-time scheduling options. Those with no experience with SQL will want to start by taking a beginning-level class or bootcamp and those looking for comprehensive, career-oriented SQL training should consider a bootcamp or a certificate program. 

Noble offers two SQL bootcamps that will provide comprehensive training, the SQL Bootcamp and SQL Server Bootcamp. Both offer expert instruction in extracting information from databases and turning that information into actionable insights, with minor differences in the flavor of SQL students will learn in each bootcamp. The SQL Bootcamp teaches PostgreSQL, can be taken by those with a Mac or a PC, and is useful for those following the SQL Developer career path or going into data science or data analytics careers. The SQL Server Bootcamp is specific to Microsoft’s database management system which is often used by businesses and requires students to have a PC. The core concepts students learn in each bootcamp will be the same, so students should be able to learn other flavors of SQL, as needed, after completing either bootcamp.

Noble also offers singular SQL classes for beginners (SQL Level 1), intermediate learners (SQL Level 2), and advanced learners (SQL Level 3). These classes are a great option for those who want to get started learning SQL but who want to avoid taking an intensive SQL class or enrolling in a bootcamp. Noble’s SQL Bootcamp is also part of multiple data-related career-oriented certificate programs, including the Data Analytics Certificate and the Data Science Certificate. Both certificate programs are comprehensive and are intended to provide students with all of the skills they will need to get started as a Data Analyst or Data Scientist upon completion.