If you’re interested in becoming a Software Engineer but don’t have a college degree in this field, you may wonder if it’s possible to start a career. The good news is that four-year college study is not required to pursue a job in software engineering. This article will explore some other educational options that can prepare you to become a Software Engineer even if you don’t have a college degree, such as through self-study materials, bootcamps, and certificate programs, as well as the pros and cons of this approach to employment. 

Pros and Cons of Becoming a Software Engineer Without a Degree

If you want to become a Software Engineer but don’t have a four-year degree in this field from a college or university, you may wonder what the pros and cons are of this learning approach. The following are several benefits and drawbacks to consider before embarking on this career path: 


One of the main perks of studying software engineering outside of the college setting is cost. University study is the most expensive way to learn software engineering. On average, college degrees cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and can leave students with six figures of debt after graduation. While college provides an immersive and supportive environment to study software engineering (or a related field if this major isn’t available), the cost of study can be prohibitive for some learners. Other software engineering training options like bootcamps and certificates are much less expensive and much more viable for many learners. These programs typically cost several thousand dollars, or the equivalent of just one year of college.

Another perk of learning software engineering without attending college is the time required to graduate. While the length of software engineering courses varies depending on the training format you select, most of these programs take a much shorter time to complete, and students can put their skills to use immediately upon graduation. Free introductory seminars in software engineering require only a few hours of time commitment. Bootcamps teach students essential software engineering skills and can be finished in several days in most instances. Certificate programs and certifications require several months. The shorter time commitment involved with these types of training makes them an appealing option for those interested in mastering software engineering basics in less than six months or balancing coursework around other scheduling considerations.

Another benefit of opting for alternative training methods in software engineering is the focus these classes provide. Unlike in college, where each class takes several months to complete, and many aren’t even related to software engineering, bootcamps and certificates provide a condensed and accelerated training format. Instead of wasting time fulfilling general education requirements or other classes that aren’t even focused on software engineering, students have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in studying this one skill. Certificate programs often provide participants with additional professional development incentives, which aren’t available in college courses. These include access to national networking events with other alums, resume assistance, LinkedIn profile critiques, portfolio development, or job interview prep sessions.


Software Engineering Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

There are also several potential drawbacks to consider if you pursue software engineering without a college degree. The first is the overall risk associated with not obtaining a degree. Although not all employers require Software Engineers to have completed a bachelor’s degree in this discipline or a related field, some do seek out candidates who have this level of education under their belt. Certain employers may favor candidates who have completed undergraduate studies because they have a well-rounded skill set that is an asset when applying for junior-level positions.

Another potential drawback to opting for alternative training methods in software engineering is that coursework is very fast-paced. Whereas college affords students four or more years to focus on their coursework, bootcamps and certificates are much shorter. Students spend several days, weeks, or months studying in these learning environments. While this can be a positive element for some students, particularly those interested in using their skills immediately in a professional setting, others may struggle to fully learn software engineering in such a condensed time frame. Those who choose to study from bootcamps or certificates, therefore, should be willing to commit additional time outside of the classroom to their studies and to continue practicing software engineering tools and skills after graduation to ensure they are getting the most out of their training. 

Learning Methods to Become a Software Engineer Without a Degree

If you want to study software engineering outside of the college or university setting, there are many excellent online and in-person software engineering classes available around the country for aspiring learners. The following sections will explore several popular methods of study, as well as what to expect from each.

Free Online Resources

Free online software engineering resources and tutorials are another way some learners opt to study this in-demand field. Free resources like YouTube videos and online tutorials are a great way to get started learning about software engineering without having to invest a penny. This content is a good option for learners who aren’t certain whether they’re prepared to enroll in a more immersive class like a bootcamp or certificate. They can also be a good supplement to use alongside more structured classes. Free online resources provide a low-stakes way for individuals to get a feel for the field of software engineering and explore basic concepts.

Noble Desktop, an educational provider based in New York City, offers a range of excellent free resources for learners at all levels. The Noble Desktop Blog provides well-researched articles on a range of topics related to software engineering, such as web development, computer science, coding, JavaScript, and Python. Additionally, Noble offers a Software Engineering Learn Hub that includes free information pertaining to software engineering, such as content machine learning, data science, front end web development, and HTML/CSS. Noble’s online video tutorials are also a great way for students to learn software engineering basics without being enrolled in a live class. Noble’s Intro to Front End Web Development provides free instruction on the programming languages used to design the user-facing component of a website. Learners who want to explore core software engineering programming languages can do so in Noble’s Intro to Python Fundamentals or Intro to JavaScript seminars.

On-Demand Classes

Some learners choose on-demand software engineering classes to help them learn more about this field. Self-paced classes are a good option for individuals who must fit their software engineering studies alongside other commitments, such as full-time work or a busy personal life. These programs are pre-recorded and placed online. Students have the flexibility of deciding when they wish to complete coursework and how long they want to spend doing so. This flexible type of training allows students to pause lessons, rewind them, or rewatch them from start to finish to ensure the concepts are being retained. The content in these classes is provided to students upfront, which leaves it up to them to determine their pacing. Class length varies significantly, from several hours to several months. In terms of cost, on-demand content is available at various price points, from free options to subscription-based services or for-fee individual classes.

While this learning format has many benefits, it also has certain drawbacks. Some learners prefer not adhering to a strict class schedule with formal homework deadlines. Others, though, may find it difficult to complete their studies without specified deadlines or the support of peers who are learning alongside them. Since the content is pre-recorded, no instructor is present for lessons, which can pose challenges for some students, especially those new to software engineering and may need additional help or clarification. For these reasons, asynchronous study is most suited for self-motivated learners who can budget the time needed to devote to their studies without falling behind.


Software Engineering bootcamps are another way some learners opt to learn this skill set. Whereas college can take four or more years to study, bootcamps in software engineering usually require only a few sessions to complete and deal with a specific topic in this field, such as JavaScript frameworks and libraries, Python programming, or HTML and CSS. Bootcamp attendees can complete one or more courses to fill a skills gap, then put this training to immediate use in their current career or to pursue an entirely new professional direction. They are a good study option for individuals like entrepreneurs who are interested in creating their own digital products. Bootcamp study usually costs less than $2,000 for a class, which also makes it a much more affordable study option than college training.

Certificates & Certifications

Pursuing a software engineering certificate or certification is another method of instruction some opt for rather than college study. Certificates offer comprehensive, live instruction aimed at taking students from beginner-level software engineering skills into more advanced skills that are needed to pursue a job as a Full Stack Web Developer or Software Engineer. Certificate programs often comprise multiple bootcamp courses, which makes them a longer and more robust form of study than bootcamps. These classes typically require several weeks or months to complete, depending on whether the student opts for full-time or part-time study. Certificates often provide students with more than real-time, hands-on training; they also include perks like 1-on-1 mentoring sessions, career coaching, and assistance compiling professional portfolios. The price range for certificate study varies from several thousand dollars to more than $10,000, depending on the program’s length and focus.

What is a Software Engineer?

Because many businesses across different sectors rely on software for their daily operations, Software Engineers are hired to work in many industries, including retail, cybersecurity, healthcare, and finance. These professionals help their organization create, develop, and test computer systems and software applications. To succeed in software engineering, it’s essential to be familiar with a range of programming languages, platforms, and architectures, as well as their uses, to develop products like network control systems or computer games. In addition to creating their own systems, Software Engineers may also be asked to improve or test the software created by other Engineers. Those who have well-developed analytical skills and are good at solving problems would be a good match for this profession.

On a daily basis, the tasks a Software Engineer performs depend on their industry of employment (healthcare vs. retail, for example, will have very different requirements), as well as their place of employment and current project. Some common daily tasks Software Engineers perform include creating and maintaining software systems, writing code, studying and testing new software, ensuring software is scalable and performing at a good speed, meeting with stakeholders like security specialists or clients, and creating presentations on new software features. They also assist with tasks like researching current technological developments for use in projects, designing prototypes, locating and fixing bugs, and performing A/B testing.

Most Software Engineers are employed full-time; some work onsite, whereas others have remote positions. Lucrative freelance Software Engineering roles are also available, providing the Engineer with the flexibility of being their own boss and selecting their projects. Software Engineers who work full-time typically collaborate with other team members on projects, including Developers, UX and UI Designers, Managers, and those from various sales teams. Some Software Engineers focus on one component of a project, whereas others see the project out in its entirety from start to finish or even multi-task on several concurrent projects. This field is usually driven by deadlines. Most Software Engineers work a typical 40-hour workweek but may have to commit additional hours during coding sprints.

Can You Really Become a Software Engineer Without a Degree?

If you are interested in pursuing a career in software engineering, you may wonder if it’s truly possible to do so without earning an undergraduate degree. The short answer is yes. While college degrees are a good way to establish that you have a solid background in software engineering, they’re not a requirement for all job openings. While some individuals may also opt to pursue a college degree in a closely related field to software engineering, such as computer science, not all employers ask for this credential. 

Many aspiring Software Engineers opt to learn this skill set through alternative methods, such as on-demand content, bootcamps, and certificate courses. The bottom line for most employers is that the job applicant possesses the skills needed to perform successfully at their job. Applicants who are able to demonstrate that they have training in core programming languages, knowledge of web APIs, experience with technical documentation, familiarity with UI frameworks and toolkits, and the ability to apply software engineering best practices will be appealing candidates for most employers.

Steps to Become a Software Engineer

If you’re ready to pursue a software engineering career, you may wonder what steps are involved in this process. Although all learners differ in the path they take to pursue this career, there are several core steps most individuals will need to complete to be viable job applicants. First, you will need to brainstorm the type of job they hope to pursue that falls under the larger software engineering umbrella. While most coding skills can be transferred between various professional engineering roles, other forms of training are more specific to certain career paths. For example, learners may need to decide whether they wish to focus on creating and implementing computer software or if they’d like to devote their efforts to other related roles, such as those in web development that involve creating and maintaining all aspects of a website, such as its layout, functions, and navigation capabilities. These require slightly different skill sets.

The next step in pursuing a software engineering career is to decide on a training format that’s best for you. Bootcamps and certificate programs are great learning opportunities for aspiring professionals because they combine hands-on training with professional support. Noble Desktop provides many exciting learning opportunities for those who are new to software engineering and coding, as well as those who already have prior experience and want to take their skills to the next level. Aspiring professionals may find Noble’s Software Engineering Certificate especially useful since it covers both front end and back end skills and also includes personal mentoring sessions.

Next, it’s important for prospective Software Engineers to gain hands-on experience in this field. This experience can take many forms, including personal projects, internships, or volunteer work. Many employers will find it impressive if a job applicant can demonstrate that they have coding experience that extends beyond the walls of a classroom. These opportunities can also be a great opportunity to develop a professional portfolio, which is a crucial component for landing a job in software engineering.

Although it’s not required by all prospective employers, seeking certification in software engineering can also be an asset for those on the job search. Certifications require passing a challenging exam that tests the students on the skills they’ll need in the workplace. Some popular certifications for aspiring Software Engineers are the AWS Certified Developer, the Professional Scrum Developer, and Java Certification.

Once you’ve decided on a career path, taken coursework to help you learn software engineering skills, and gained hands-on training in a real-world setting, it’s time to begin applying for software engineering jobs. This final stage of the process involves tasks like pairing your career goals with the jobs you feel qualified to pursue based on your experience. It’s also important to have an updated resume, an engaging and professional LinkedIn profile, a professional portfolio, and any other application materials the employer may require.

Learn the Skills to Become a Software Engineer at Noble Desktop

Those interested in pursuing a career in software engineering can receive hands-on training by enrolling in one of Noble Desktop’s in-person or live online software engineering courses. Noble currently offers a Software Engineering Certificate that provides hands-on training in front end and back end web development. Participants in this rigorous program begin by exploring how to use HTML to mark up webpages, CSS to style them, and GIT for version control. The second part of this program teaches core JavaScript programming skills, such as data types, variables, DOM, and loops. Instruction is provided on using the React library to create a fully working desktop application and deploy it to Amazon Web Services. Next, those enrolled explore Python concepts like its basic syntax, custom functions, sorting algorithms, and dictionaries. Learners then progress into object-oriented programming, APIs, and database querying with SQL. By course completion, participants will be familiar with Django and Django REST. In addition to comprehensive in-class training, this certificate includes 12 1-on-1 mentoring sessions for all students, which can be devoted to professional portfolio development, resume work, or LinkedIn profile updates.

Noble also offers a Python Developer Certificate that prepares students for a career as a Python Developer. This intensive course teaches concepts like Python programming basics, as well as how to use Django and Django REST for web development. All participants leave this course with a professional portfolio that highlights their best work from the program. As a prerequisite, students should have prior knowledge of basic CSS and HTML coding. It’s also helpful, though not required, to have experience with an additional programming language prior to enrolling. This certificate includes four 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

Learners who want to become proficient in front end and back end web development can enroll in Noble’s Full Stack Web Development Certificate. This program will prepare students to create and maintain various web applications. Through project-oriented instruction, those enrolled explore how to code websites, program their visual appearance, and create the infrastructure that helps them function. Instruction is provided in coding languages like JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Students also work with the MERN tech stack, server environments like AWS, and APIs. All participants leave with a portfolio to share with prospective employers. Ten 1-on-1 mentoring sessions are provided along with tuition.