Discover various methods to find job opportunities as a Front End Developer, whether you're interested in tech startups, remote work, or freelancing. Learn about the different employment websites, the advantages of networking on LinkedIn, and the earning potential in different parts of the United States.

Key Insights

  • Online employment websites like and Glassdoor allow candidates to apply for job listings relevant to their skills, providing information on salaries for specific careers.
  • LinkedIn is an effective platform for job seekers, allowing for networking and providing a space to detail skills and training, with more employers and recruiters likely to view your profile.
  • Start-up-focused job sites like Wellfound can provide opportunities for less experienced web developers, allowing them to gain responsibility and make an impression in the tech industry.
  • FlexJobs offers solutions for those seeking remote work or independent contracting opportunities, providing a flexible work schedule.
  • Freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr connect Front End Developers with companies seeking independent contractors for tech-related projects.
  • Front End Developers can earn an average salary of around $91,000 a year in the United States, with opportunities for higher earnings in cities like San Francisco and Seattle.

There are several online employment websites that post detailed job listings for finding work as a Front End Developer. Users will need to create profiles on these sites in order to find work by including their resume with cover letters tailored to whatever specific job they’re applying for. Those interested can also find job sites like LinkedIn that are more than simply job sites, which offer a social media dynamic–for a productive purpose. 

Additionally, job candidates have specific search options geared towards specialized preferences such as working at startups, strictly working remote, or for freelance and independent contract opportunities. 

This article aims to provide helpful information and examples of the types of choices available for methods with finding work in front end web development.

Find Job Search Options That Best Fit Your Ambitions

While there are plenty of options with searching for work as a Front End Developer, you should choose options that best suit your goals. Listed below, you will find a variety of online employment searching approaches that might fit your objectives in finding jobs with options for remote work, freelancing, and other methods:

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Online employment websites like allow employers and employment agencies to post detailed job listings that candidates with the appropriate skills can apply for. These are organizations and clients seeking people with the right skills to fill their positions. For using these sites, you must include your resume along with cover letters specific to the job you’re applying for that should provide details on your skills and background that should convince any company looking for skilled professionals that you are the right candidate for the job.

Indeed, for example, aggregates job listings from several company career pages, online job boards, and staffing agencies. Websites like Indeed and Glassdoor also provide job seekers with information on salaries for specific careers adjusted to the market as well as a candidate’s years of experience.


In addition to the typical job sites mentioned, job seekers might also want to create a profile for LinkedIn. While many consider LinkedIn to be just another online employment website, it is also a social media platform that not only lets organizations post job listings but allows its members to network by following and being followed by other members, which can help in optimizing career opportunities.

Many people also think of a LinkedIn profile as being the same as a resume, but using the platform allows you to create a lengthier work history that provides more detail on your skills and training.

And while many Web Developers have created their own websites as a way of promoting their skills, it’s likely that more employers and recruiters will come across your information on LinkedIn than stumbling across a random web page. The good news is that you can link your website to your contact information on your LinkedIn profile.

However, similar to a resume, LinkedIn allows users to provide details on their work experience, education, and skills. In the case of Front End Developers, it’s important to shape keywords that best connect with employers and recruiters looking for people with skills in front end web development. Nevertheless, as with any list describing your work history, it’s important to be scrupulously honest about your information, meaning that you should only include relevant keywords in your profile and avoid exaggerating.

Working at Tech Startups

If you’re a beginning Front End Developer looking for a way to break into working in the tech industry, job sites like Wellfound: provide opportunities for finding employment through working with tech startups. Startups usually involve entrepreneurial undertaking that might offer less experienced Web Developers and Designers opportunities for employment that provide new workers with more responsibility than they might normally find available.

Formerly known as AngelList, Wellfound: strives to connect startups with job seekers looking for the right break. Wellfound: also focuses on helping tech startups raise money as well as hiring the talent to make their business successful, which means giving people new to working in the tech industry the chance to make an impression.


Some people who work as Front End Developers may prefer remote work or telecommuting, finding the idea of having to sit inside an office unappealing. Anyone interested in strictly remote jobs can search on FlexJobs, which specializes in listings for remote and telecommuting opportunities.

FlexJobs provides solutions for people with technical skills who would prefer a more manageable, flexible work schedule along with independent contracting options. However, unlike many employment sites, creating a profile on FlexJobs is not free. Costs range from $9.95 for a week of access, $24.95 for a month, $39.95 for three months, or $59.95 for a full year of job listing for remote work. 

Working as a Freelancer or Independent Contractor

Front End Developers who are looking for freelance jobs can use freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr to help them make connections with companies or clients for independent contract assignments for work on a variety of tech related projects. 

Upwork facilitates companies being able to hire freelance workers by posting job descriptions for specific jobs that includes information on salary ranges.

Fiverr helps put businesses together with freelancers for work in various areas. This includes projects in digital marketing, audio and video, programming and technology, and graphic and web design.

Front End Developer Salary and Job Outlook

There are plenty of career options for those who have skills in front end web development. Front End Developers can earn an average salary of around $91,000 a year in the United States. The position can earn a qualifying professional as much as $114,000 in a place like San Francisco, which, of course, is the largest city located near Silicon Valley, the hub of the tech sector. Front End Developers can also earn salaries of about $105,000 in Seattle or $98,000 in Atlanta. 

Occupations similar to Front End Developer include Web Developer, which averages around $67,000 nationally, and Web Designer, earning around $52,000.

Read more about Front End Developer salaries and job outlooks for the position.

Learn the Skills to Become a Front End Developer at Noble Desktop

People have several options for learning to become a Front End Developer, which include in-person and live online training courses, bootcamps, and certificate programs that provide real-time hands-on instruction. Noble Desktop offers several live online Web Development courses.

For example, with hardly any prior coding experience, an individual could complete the Front End Web Development Certificate and get headed in the right direction for their new career with training in how to build the user side of a responsive website. This course aims to keep class sizes small so that students can receive tailored advice and guidance from their instructors.

If you would like to learn about designing websites or email programs from coding with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you can train for the Web Design Certificate. In addition, this course will teach you how to build websites using WordPress.

If you would like to learn about more options for building websites or apps from scratch through skills in front end web development, Noble Desktop provides information on their Learn Front End Web Development page, which can guide you through learning about several options for becoming a Front End Developer, including what free resources are available and career advice.