Whether you are new to digital design or have some experience working in the field, switching to freelancing can be a daunting task. There are a lot of factors to consider and things to prepare for before you should start working as a freelancer. 

This article will cover everything you need to know about becoming a digital design freelancer, from what digital design is and what freelancing is to essential tips and advice on making the transition. While many find this switch to be a scary decision, it can be a very rewarding career move with the proper preparation.

What is Digital Design?

Digital design is a relatively new and ever-changing field. It encompasses all aspects of designing for digital media, including web design, interface design, motion graphics, and more. As technology advances, the field of digital design changes with it. This means that as a freelancer, you will always need to be on the cutting edge of new trends and developments to succeed.

What Does a Digital Designer Do?

The role of a Digital Designer varies depending on the project they are working on. In general, their job is to create user-friendly designs for digital platforms such as websites, apps, and software. This involves a lot of creativity, as well as an understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles.

Typical Career Paths for Digital Designers

There are many different career paths that Digital Designers can take. Some may choose to work in-house for a company, while others may freelance or work as part of an agency. There is no one right way to start or advance your career in digital design. Some of the most common roles for those with digital design experience include:

What is Freelancing?

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Freelancing is a type of work where you are self-employed and work for yourself rather than for a company. This means that you will be in charge of finding your own clients and projects, as well as setting your own hours and rates. Freelancing can be a great way to have more control over your work life, but it also comes with its own set of challenges.

The Differences Between Design Freelancing and Traditional Employment

There are both advantages and drawbacks to freelancing and traditional employment. These two career paths are not mutually exclusive, and many people choose to do both at different points in their careers. 

The main difference between freelancing and traditional employment is that freelancers are self-employed while employees work for a company. This means that as a freelancer, you are responsible for finding your own clients and projects, while employees typically have one or two employers who provide them with work on a regular basis. This also means that freelancers must charge their own rates, while employees usually receive a set salary. 

The Benefits of Traditional Employment

There are several benefits to working as an employee for a company, such as job security and regular paychecks. Employees also typically receive benefits such as health insurance, paid vacation days, and 401k plans. These benefits can be a great perk and can be important factors to consider when looking for a job. 

The Benefits of Freelancing

Freelancing has its own set of benefits, such as the ability to work from home and flexibility in your hours. Freelancers also have more control over their work-life balance and can choose the types of projects they want to work on. This can be a great way to get experience in a variety of different fields or to learn new skills. 

Important Factors to Consider Before Starting a Freelance Career

Before making the switch to freelancing, there are several things you should consider. Some of the most important factors include:

  • Your Financial Situation
  • The Type of Work You Want to Do
  • Your Skills and Experience
  • The Amount of Time You Have Available
  • Your Networking Skills

Helpful Steps for Becoming a Digital Design Freelancer

If you're thinking of starting your own freelance career in digital design, here are the top things you should consider:

1. Education and Training

It's important to have a strong foundation in digital design before starting out as a freelancer. Many people believe a four-year degree is the only way to break into this field, but this is not always the case. There are many different ways to learn digital design, and you can also gain experience by working on projects for free or low-cost. 

Digital design certificate programs are an extremely popular option, as these courses can be completed in a shorter amount of time than a traditional degree. Many colleges and universities now offer digital design programs, so you may want to consider this option if you're already enrolled in school. 

2. Set Your Rates

One of the most important things you need to do as a freelancer is set your rates. This can be difficult, especially if you're just starting out, but it's important to know your worth and not undervalue your services. 

There are several factors to consider when setting your rates, such as your experience level, the type of work you'll be doing, and the industry-standard. For example, the average rate for a digital advertisement design is around $250 to $750 per project.

3. Create a Portfolio

As a freelancer, one of the best ways to market yourself is by creating a portfolio. This is a collection of your best work that you can use to show potential clients. Many designers choose Adobe Portfolio for their hosting platform due to the ease of use and unlimited pages.

Your portfolio should be well-organized and easy to navigate, and it's a good idea to include a variety of different types of projects. Make sure to include your contact information and website on every page of your portfolio, and update it regularly with new work. 

4. Build a Solid Network

Networking is an important part of any career, and it's especially important for freelancers. You never know when you'll meet someone who can help you find your next project or client. 

There are many ways to network, such as attending industry events, meeting with other freelancers, and joining online forums and groups. It's also important to have a strong online presence, so make sure to have a professional website and social media profiles. 

5. Get Professional Help

When starting out as a design freelancer, it's important to get help from professionals. This includes hiring an accountant to help you with your finances and finding a lawyer who can review your contracts. 

It's also a good idea to find a mentor who can offer advice and guidance throughout your career. A mentor can be someone you know personally or someone you meet through networking. 

6. Stay Organized

As a freelancer, it's important to stay organized so you can stay on top of your projects and deadlines. This includes creating a project management system that works for you, using tools like Asana or Trello, and setting up a calendar to track your deadlines. 

It's also helpful to create a filing system for your work so you can easily find everything later on.

7. Keep Up with Trends

As a Digital Designer, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest design trends. This includes reading design blogs and watching design tutorials online. 

It's also a good idea to attend industry events and workshops where you can learn about new trends and meet other designers. 

8. Stay Positive

Freelancing can be challenging at times, but it's important to stay positive and have faith in your abilities. When things get tough, take some time for yourself and remember why you decided to freelance in the first place. 

It's also helpful to connect with other freelancers so you can share tips, advice, and support. 

If you are ready to start your new career in digital design, a live online graphic design bootcamp provides all the training needed to learn important fundamental skills. These versatile courses eliminate the need to commute to school and allow you to take classes from the comfort of your own home. Try searching for live online graphic design bootcamps in your area to see what options are available!