Are you considering a career in digital design but are unsure of how to get started? Or maybe you're already working in the field but want to take your career to the next level. Either way, you may be wondering if you need a college degree to be a successful Digital Designer.

While many people believe that a traditional degree is a must for this career, that's not actually the case. You can become a successful Digital Designer without earning a four-year degree. In fact, many people in this field have started their careers with a certificate program or by learning the software on their own.

So how do you become a Digital Designer without a degree? It's actually simpler than you may think. First, it's important to know what Digital Designers do and the average salary for this type of creative role. Then we'll explore the steps you need to take to start your career without a college degree.

What is a Digital Designer?

A Digital Designer is a creative professional that is responsible for the visual look and feel of websites, apps, and other digital products. They work closely with Developers and other designers to create user-friendly and visually appealing designs. These professionals use their skills in color, typography, and layout to create digital products that are both functional and visually appealing. The job requires a strong understanding of how users interact with digital products and a keen eye for detail.

What Does a Digital Designer Do?

Digital Designers are responsible for the look and feel of websites, apps, software, and other digital products. They use their creativity and design skills to create interfaces that are both user-friendly and visually appealing.

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Digital Designers typically work with a team of engineers, programmers, and marketing professionals to create a product that meets the needs of the client or company. They may also be responsible for creating prototypes, wireframes, and other preliminary designs.

Some of the daily functions of a Digital Designer may include:

  • Selecting colors, fonts, and other design elements
  • Creating layouts and interfaces
  • Designing logos and other graphics
  • Developing prototypes
  • Collaborating with team members

What Skills Do You Need to be a Digital Designer?

While you don't need a college degree to work as a Digital Designer, there are some essential skills that you will need to succeed in this field. These include both hard skills and soft skills such as:

Strong Design Skills

A Digital Designer must have strong design skills in order to create visually appealing products. The basic design principles of color, typography, and layout are essential for this career. While you can learn these skills on your own, it may be easier to gain experience and knowledge through training options like a digital design certificate course.

HTML and CSS Knowledge

In order to create digital products that are both functional and appealing, designers should have a basic understanding of coding language. HTML and CSS are the two most basic coding languages that all designers should know, as they provide the structure, format, and visual appeal for a website. One of the most effective ways to learn HTML and CSS is through coding bootcamp classes from providers like Noble Desktop.

Web Development Skills

In order to create fully functioning websites and apps, you also need to have some basic web development skills. This includes knowledge in programming languages such as JavaScript, as well as database systems like SQL. It’s important to note that you don't need to be an expert coder, but it is helpful to have some basic skills.

Strong Communication Skills

As a Digital Designer, you will be working with developers, other designers, and clients on a regular basis. It is essential that you have strong communication skills in order to effectively collaborate with these individuals. You need to be able to listen to feedback and make changes accordingly. Strong communication skills will also help you sell your designs to clients.


Perhaps the most important skill for any digital designer is creativity. This career requires you to be constantly thinking of new and innovative ways to solve problems. If you're not a naturally creative person, you may have to work a bit harder to find your place in this field. However, there are many ways to improve your creativity, such as taking on new challenges, brainstorming with other creatives, and keeping a journal on hand to document any new design ideas.

Software Skills

In order to be a successful digital designer, you also need to be proficient in the use of design software. This includes programs like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. While you can learn these programs on your own, there are various certificate courses that can teach you these skills in a shorter amount of time. You can also find online tutorials to provide clarity on any software questions.

What is the Average Salary for Digital Designers?

The salary of a digital designer will vary depending on location, the designer’s overall experience in the field, and the type of employment. Indeed cites that the average national salary for digital designers is $94,844, though this number is well over $100,000 in locations like Washington DC and New York City. The average salary of a digital designer can also vary between those who freelance and those who seek traditional employment. 

Be Sure to Consider the Cost for Each Option

Before you decide whether or not to pursue a traditional degree, you should first consider the cost of each option. A four-year degree can cost upwards of $100,000. This is a huge investment, and it's not always necessary for a career in digital design.

Most certificate programs are an affordable option, with some courses costing less than $10,000. These programs will give you the skills you need to succeed in this field without such an excessive expense. There are also numerous live online graphic design courses available, which are still less expensive than traditional degrees.

Important Steps to Remember When Starting a Digital Design Career

Many people wonder how to start a digital design career without a degree. While it's not impossible, it will be much easier if you have some formal training. Here are some important steps to take when starting your career in this field:

Learn the Software

In order to be a digital designer, you need to know how to use the software. Many software programs are used in this field, with some of the most popular being from Adobe's Creative Cloud subscription. Some of the essential software to master includes:

Photoshop: Photoshop is a raster graphics editor that is widely used for creating visual designs.

Illustrator: Illustrator is a vector graphic editor that is perfect for creating logos, illustrations, and typography.

InDesign: InDesign is a page layout program that is commonly used for creating print products such as magazines and books.

Build a Portfolio

When applying for jobs, you will need to present your portfolio. This is a collection of your best work that showcases your skills and abilities. It's important to only include a variety of work samples in your portfolio, as this will give potential employers an idea of your skill level. Many Digital Designers use Adobe Portfolio as their hosting platform, as it offers numerous benefits for creative professionals. It’s also crucial to update your portfolio regularly with new projects.

Consider a Certificate Program

If you want to get a head start on your career, you may want to consider a certificate program. These programs will teach you the basics of digital design and help you build a strong portfolio. Many certificate programs can be completed in less than a year, making them a great option for those who want to get started quickly.

Digital design is a growing field with many opportunities for career growth. While a college degree is not always necessary, it can be helpful to have some formal training. One of the most important factors to consider is the cost of each educational path before committing to a large expense. With hard work and dedication, you can succeed in this field without a college degree!

If you are ready to get started on your digital design career path, try searching for live online graphic design courses to see what options are available.