Like many professionals, you might be hunting for a satisfying career that you can do from home. If you’re someone who enjoys hunting for patterns and working with numbers, a career in data analysis might be ideal for you. Data Analysts use various technologies to sort, understand, and visualize data. This information can help businesses understand where to invest their marketing dollars and find new customers. As an added bonus, many of the skills required for this career can also be learned from home through books, online tutorials, and educational classes. 

Keep reading to find out more about the tools available to learn data analytics from the comfort of your home. 

What is Data Analytics?

Data Analytics is a term that encompasses many different techniques that professionals use to analyze raw data to understand their business and their customer base better. This may sound complicated, but the basic types of data analytics are reasonably easy to understand. The four primary types are listed below: 

  • Descriptive Analytics discusses “What is happening?” and helps identify trends using historical data. A business might employ descriptive analytics to understand their monthly growth or when their website has the most traffic.

  • Diagnostic Analytics asks, “Why did X happen?” Professionals use this type of analysis when they want to learn more about how two variables relate to one another. If specific marketing campaigns perform better than others, diagnostic analytics can be used to understand the specific factors that lead to success.

  • Predictive Analytics explores what could happen in the future. This is one way that businesses can project their expenditures for an upcoming fiscal term with a high degree of accuracy.

  • Prescriptive Analytics is used when trying to decide what should be done next. This is often considered the most complex type of analytics because it has the highest margin of error. It is often used by financial institutions in the area of risk management. 

Different strategies are used to perform each type of analysis, so it’s essential first to identify the question that needs to be answered before beginning the analytical process. 

Steps to Become a Data Analyst at Home

As you begin taking steps towards a new career, you might feel overwhelmed about everything you need to accomplish. Breaking things down into a more manageable list can help alleviate some stress and keep you on track toward your ultimate goal.

  1. Reflect on your learning style. Since there are plenty of methods to learn data analysis from home, it’s important to consider how you learn best. For example, if you decide to invest in a class, you’ll want to make sure it will meet your needs. Some people enjoy the convenience of virtual learning, while others find it distracting and focus best in a classroom environment.
  2. Learn programming languages. Python is commonly used for data analysis, but other coding languages like R and SQL are also worth knowing. You can browse job listings to learn more about standard job requirements, so you’re better prepared for the job market.
  3. Get comfortable with data visualization tools. There are dozens of data analysis tools on the market, but they’re not equal in their capabilities. Again, browsing job listings and noting some of the most prominently used tools would be helpful to ensure you’re learning a marketable and transferable skill. Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI, and Tableau are among the more popular tools.
  4. Practice! Once you’re comfortable with all of the new technology you’ve had to learn, practice is the name of the game. The internet is full of datasets you can use to practice your data organization and visualization skills. Some examples include the United States Census Bureau and World Bank. You may also be able to find some entry-level data analytics work on freelance websites like Upwork.
  5. Design your portfolio. As you’re practicing, you’ll also want to add your work to an online portfolio to show hiring managers. This is how you show off your skills and demonstrate your ability to implement new skills over time. Creating a data analysis portfolio is different from other portfolios, so you can view portfolios of similar professionals for inspiration.
  6. Search for your new job! Once you feel ready, you can begin looking for a job. It’s best to focus on entry-level positions, though you can also continue to freelance exclusively and build your client list through networking and word-of-mouth.

Future of Data Analysis Careers

Data Analytics Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

A career in data analysis is understandably appealing for many reasons. First, the average Data Analyst in the United States earns around $68,000 per year, though this can increase depending on your level of experience and the company you work for. With the prices of homes and other necessities rising across the country, finding a job that can earn a comfortable salary is a top priority for many young professionals. 

Data analysis is applicable in nearly every industry; your work could literally save lives! The medical community employs Data Analysts to detect patterns in gene structures to help diagnose diseases in their earlier states so people can receive treatment. Data analysis careers also provide a tremendous level of job security. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that careers in this area will grow by 25% in the next ten years; this is an extremely high growth rate compared to the national average. 

Books and Virtual Resources to Learn Data Analysis

Books about data analysis are a great place to start if you’re a complete beginner. Data Analytics Made Accessible by Dr. Anil Maheshwari is so renowned that it’s taught in college data analytics courses. It contains multiple real-world examples and Python tutorials that are suitable for new programmers. SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL by Walter Shields provides much more than a simple book. Readers receive access to an example database via an SQL app that allows them to practice what they’re learning throughout the book. This combination of background knowledge and hands-on practice makes this book ideal for budding Data Analysts. 

There are plenty of virtual tools available to help you learn the different skills and software programs that Data Analysts use to do their jobs. Python is the most popular coding language used for data analysis, and it also has a reputation for being one of the easier languages to learn. To that end, Python Central offers a host of free resources like eBooks and tutorials. You can also find several tutorials on YouTube to learn more about commonly used data visualization software like Tableau and Microsoft Power BI.

Because successful data analysis is heavily dependent on understanding multiple software programs and computer programming languages, many people feel they need the extra support of a class or bootcamp. These programs often provide hands-on instruction as students are guided through projects.

Learn Data Analysis with Noble Desktop

If you’re ready to learn more about a career as a Data Analyst, some courses through Noble Desktop are certainly worth looking into. All courses at Noble Desktop can be taken remotely, putting you on track to your new career while maintaining the work/life balance you understandably desire. The school offers a Python for Data Science Bootcamp, which is designed for beginners. Here, students will learn how the Python programming language works to manipulate and visualize datasets. 

If a more comprehensive program sounds like a better fit, Noble’s Data Analytics Certificate might be a great fit. You’ll learn some of the most in-demand skills for today’s data analytics professionals. You’ll also create a portfolio of projects to show potential employers and help you start your career throughout the course. 

Students who attend certification programs through Noble Desktop are also provided with one-on-one career planning sessions with their instructors. They provide support with polishing your resume and can also offer tips on how to find robust data analysis work that you can do remotely.