Back end development can be a solid career choice, but determining if it’s right for you is an individual journey. Consider the following factors that can impact your decision:

  • Are you committed to a back end development career? If you think you might decide to transfer your skills to a full stack development role, consider whether you should learn front end development skills first.
  • Can you master multiple computer programming languages? Back End Developers may need to learn JavaScript and Python at a minimum. Some positions also require skills like HTML/CSS, PHP, and SQL, to name a few.
  • Is the Back End Developer role appropriate for your learning and work style? Back end development pros need to pay close attention to details, understand DevOps tools and environments, and work under deadline pressures.

These are a few considerations for whether to pursue a back end development role. Read on for other criteria for a development career, and consider adding other factors as you learn more.

What is a Back End Developer?

Back End Developers work on the server or back end side of a website. While the front end of a website is what users engage with, the back end applications are behind the scenes. These can include complex programs, data storage, and third-party Application Programming Interfaces or APIs.

Back end development entails creating a website’s application processes, database, and server. Full Stack Developers are those who can perform front and back end development tasks. Though some development professionals do one or the other, the demand for Front End, Back End, or Full Stack developers depends on location, industry, skill sets, and related factors. Read on to learn more about back end development professionals.

Why Become a Back End Developer?

Although the front end of a website is essential for aesthetic reasons, the back end is crucial to functionality. Back End Developers make websites unique, and the role allows for creativity for the person coding them.

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The skills and tools required for back end development strengthen a developer’s resume or CV. For example, Back End Developers typically learn JavaScript, a language also essential to front end development. Python, another top programming language, can be applied to back end development, data analysis, or cybersecurity.

Finally, some Back End Developers go on to become Full Stack developers. Learning back end development first helps tech professionals prepare for the front end training required for a full stack development role.

Problem-Solving Skills

Development professionals are usually problem-solvers by nature. The logic required for a back end development role typically comes easily to those who choose this career path. However, this aspect of a Back End Developer’s job is not always recognized; hiring managers and recruiters often take it for granted.

The problem-solving emphasis of development requires these skilled pros to see the bigger picture while focusing on the many small details that make up the day-to-day. A Back End Developer must understand how multiple moving parts work together, from front end user experience to how data is stored, processed, and analyzed. Additional considerations include cybersecurity issues, managing API endpoints, and monitoring service errors or interruptions.

Varied Knowledge Base

To say that Back End Developer positions require a varied knowledge base is an understatement. Because the role differs from industry to industry and company to company, this knowledge base can range from an advanced understanding of databases to several programming languages. The Back End Developer’s experience level varies, too, from junior or entry-level development roles to advanced senior positions requiring multiple years of experience.

Consider the following a partial list of some of the knowledge that varied back end development roles might require:

  • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) - Developers use APIs so platforms or systems can interact. API types include open or public, composite, internal, and partner.
  • Cloud Platforms - Back End Developers use cloud platforms for everything from scalability to database management. Top platforms include:
  • Databases - Top databases for Back End Developers include:
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • MongoDB
    • MySQL
    • Oracle
    • PostgreSQL
  • Desktop & Mobile - Back End Developers must also ensure sites are optimized for mobile and desktop.
  • Operating Systems - These vary, too. Consider Linux as often essential as macOS, Windows, or Chrome OS.
  • Programming & Scripting Languages - Essential languages for Back End Developers vary by industry, company, and position. Top languages include:
    • C/C++
    • Drupal
    • HTML/CSS
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • Python

Multi-Faceted Interactions

When considering back end development, communication skills might not be the first thing you think of. After all, these skilled professionals must know programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and other tools and skills. However, the multi-faceted interactions required for this role are equally important.

Back End Developers can work with Front End Developers, Web Designers, engineers, upper management, and clients or customers. Such communications often require strong verbal and written skills alongside the development pro’s many essential technical skills.

​​Because a Back End Developer may have to manage standards for an organization's web and electronic communications deliverables, customer service is an inevitable part of the job. Operational and security requirements are essential, but so are appropriate updates. Seamless communication with internal personnel responsible for content management is an absolute necessity.

Many development pros work on a team and collaborate with cross-functional teams. The requirements for these interactions may differ from communications with clients, customers, or upper management. If you plan to be a Back End or Full Stack Developer, consider how to best communicate effectively with others at all levels. While company culture can make short casual messages appropriate within a team, communicating with management or clients can require a more formal approach.

Tech Expertise

In a position like a Back End Developer, tech expertise is a given. Many students new to development, though, may wonder: what tech?

The answer is rarely simple. Companies may employ developers at different levels for different reasons. A small office might hire a single Full Stack Developer to run all front and back end applications and security. By contrast, a large organization may have teams of Front End and Back End developers, Digital Designers, and cybersecurity experts.

At a minimum, tech expertise for back end development includes a few of the above-mentioned tools. These include HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Other server-side languages can include Java, Ruby, or .Net. Database management systems like MongoDB or MySQL are also essential.

However, these are only some of the most popular tools and skills. Depending on the organization and specific job requirements, a Back End Developer may need to be well-versed in different types of APIs. They might also need to implement cybersecurity measures, authentication mechanisms, and data encryption. Finally, a development role can also require proficiency with standard software like Office 365, Slack, or HubSpot.

Team Player

Any company hiring multiple employees wants them to be team players. The concept has become so cliche that recruiters and hiring managers routinely discard resumes where the applicant writes that they are a team player. There is no need to state the obvious.

Nonetheless, new development students want to know exactly what being a team player will mean in such a highly technical position. For Back End Developers, the answer is often complex.

Because development positions can require a variety of interactions, teamwork requires a high degree of flexibility. Consider the following tools that can affect collaboration and teamwork for the better.

  • Messaging Apps - Instant message apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Chat are often the preferred method of communication for a development team. This type of communication allows for quick questions and equally quick answers.
  • Forums and Online Platforms - The developer community can be another essential for team-building. Familiarity with forums like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Code Project helps new developers learn, and experienced developers share their knowledge.
  • Meetups and Conferences - Finally, in-person conferences, meetups, or industry events can also improve team-building and collaboration. Attendees can learn about new trends or technologies at these events as they continue to build their skills and knowledge base.

Do I Need a Degree to Become a Back End Developer?

New development students wonder whether they need a degree to become Back End Developers. It’s understandable—many computer science professionals hold one or more degrees from colleges or universities. Some entry-level job postings list a degree requirement or even years of experience.

However, the lack of a degree should not dissuade someone from considering a new career as a Back End Developer. Depending on the company, the industry, and even the specific role, an entry-level or junior development role does not necessarily require a degree. In other cases, an industry-specific degree or demonstrated ability to do the job can suffice.

Many students new to back end development qualify for their first positions by gaining a certificate of completion from a comprehensive bootcamp or certificate program from a respected course provider. These in-depth courses typically comprise a series of training modules covering programming languages like JavaScript or Python, code editors like Visual Studio Code, or databases like MongoDB.

If you think a career in back end development will be your goal, compare and contrast a few such certificate programs. You might qualify for a new position within a few months or even weeks and get the job you want—and your company might even reimburse your tuition if you decide to go back to school.

Learn the Skills to Become a Back End Developer at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop provides multiple bootcamps and certificate programs for students to learn back end development tools and skills in person or live online via teleconferencing. Subjects include JavaScript, Node.js, Python, and React, to name a few. Consider the following courses:

  • JavaScript Development Certificate - The immersive JavaScript Development Certificate program is appropriate for those looking to become Front End, Full Stack, or JavaScript Developers. This 14-week program covers everything from the MERN tech stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) to developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Applicants should be comfortable coding HTML and CSS before enrolling. 
  • Python Developer Certificate - Noble Desktop’s Python Developer Certificate combines its popular 30-hour Python Programming Bootcamp with a 60-hour unit on Python web development with Django REST in this comprehensive program. You'll learn about automation, GitHub, SQL, and URL dispatchers as you gain proficiency in designing complex web apps. As with the JavaScript Development Certificate, applicants should be comfortable coding HTML and CSS before enrolling.
  • Python Web Development with Django - The 60-hour Python Web Development with Django provides a highly-reviewed standalone course for students familiar with HTML/CSS. This curriculum introduces object-oriented programming with Python, working with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and back end development with the Django REST framework. You can save by taking the course as part of the Python Developer Certificate program.