Back End Developers work on the back end of a website, and have a positive future job outlook. If you want to become a Back End Developer, you’ll need to understand the specific requirements associated with this field. This article contains the education and experience that you’ll need to gain, including essential skills. It also explains the importance of a portfolio, a resume, and references.

What is a Back End Developer?

Every website has both a front end and a back end. The front end is made up of all the elements that website users see and interact with. The back end is those things that users don’t see, but are essential to the function of the site. Back End Developers are responsible for building and maintaining the back end. They work with the server, databases, architecture, and application programming interfaces (APIs). Their job includes coding, designing, testing, debugging, and ensuring that the sites they create are secure.

While the work that a Back End Developer does is not visible, it is a crucial part of the online user experience. Some people call the back end the engine that makes the website run. It processes the requests that are made by users, and generates responses that it sends back to the front end. For instance, when a user adds items to a shopping cart, the back end makes calculations about the cost of the item, tax, and the shipping cost, and then sends that information to the front end where it is viewed by the user. A Back End Developer is responsible for making sure that all of these behind-the-scenes actions happen quickly and seamlessly. 

People have been working in back end web development since the creation of the very first website, which went live in 1993. Their jobs have continued to evolve over time in response to the continual evolution of web technology. For example, as mobile devices have become an increasingly popular way to access websites, the concept of responsive design has become important, where websites need to adapt to a variety of screen sizes and orientations.


There are a number of different paths you can take if you want to work in back end development. You’ll need to gain an education that covers all of the different technical skills that this job requires. However, there is more than one way to do this. One option is to earn a college degree in computer science or a related field. A college degree will be comprehensive, and well-respected, however, it is also likely to be expensive and time-consuming. Another training option is to enroll in a bootcamp or certificate course at a career development school. Bootcamps and certificate courses are immersive, accelerated programs that are designed to get you career-ready at a fraction of the cost and time that you’ll need to invest if you go to college. 

Full-Stack Web Development Certificate: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, 0% Financing, 1-on-1 Mentoring, Free Retake, Job Prep. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

While college has traditionally been the accepted path to a career in tech, research shows that skipping the degree program has recently become a widely accepted alternative. A number of studies show that many bootcamps and certificate courses are an effective way to gain all the skills that you’ll need in back end development, and that an increasing number of employers have begun to focus on demonstrable skills rather than simply looking for proof of a degree. There is also evidence that these types of courses can lead to a high salary. For instance, Course Report surveyed more than 3,000 coding bootcamp graduates, and in a 2023 report, it reports that bootcamp graduates earn about 51 percent more compared to their previous jobs. Further, it states that the average bootcamp costs $20,000 to $30,000 and concludes, “The average bootcamp grad sees an average salary increase of 50.5% or $23,724(!) which almost immediately pays off your investment.”


If you want to work in back end development, in addition to education, you’ll also need to gain experience. The amount of experience you’ll need will vary depending on your job. For an entry-level job, less than two years of experience is typically required. Higher-level jobs require more experience. It’s a good idea to start by assessing your existing experience; you might be surprised at how much of it is transferable. By assessing what you already have, you can also make a plan for what you need to obtain in the future. In an article titled, “How to Become a Back-End Developer in 8 Steps (Plus Skills),” Indeed suggests that you start gaining experience even before you get your first job. It explains, “Before gaining employment as a back-end developer, it often helps to gain some experience working on back-end projects. You can do this either on your own, as part-time work for a smaller company, or a volunteer organization. For example, you can create your own projects, such as a daily scheduler. Working on back-end development projects is often the best way to learn more about the process and can provide you with valuable experience before applying for your first full-time position.” Experience can also include unpaid experience like internships and relevant volunteer work. Even if you plan to work as a freelancer, you’ll still need experience in order to demonstrate your abilities to potential clients.


Fluency in Programming Languages

Any Back End Developer needs to be fluent in back end programming languages. These are used to create the systems that form the back end of a website. Popular back end programming languages include Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and Java. As a Back End Developer, you’ll not only need to learn multiple languages, but you’ll need to stay up to date on new features of those languages, and you may sometimes need to learn new languages. By having proficiency in a number of languages, you’ll be able to choose the best one for each project that you’re working on.

Testing and Debugging

Creating a website is only part of what a Back End Developer does. In this role, you’ll also need to know how to test and debug your work. This involves finding and fixing problems with the security or the functioning of the site. In some cases testing and debugging can be a time-consuming process, however, there are a number of tools that developers can use to help speed things up.

Working with Servers

The back end of a website often runs on servers, so knowing how to work with servers is an essential part of being a Back End Developer. A server is a system or computer that contains the resources, services, and data that are needed for a website. Some popular servers are Apache, Microsoft, and NGINX. As a Back End Developer, you may set up and maintain servers.

Database Management

Another part of back end development is database administration. Websites use data for storing and retrieving information. Some common database systems are MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. Back End Developers learn how to use databases to efficiently store and retrieve data. Part of database management is learning how to create the best solution for each website, since database management will vary depending on the type of website being created.

API Knowledge

An Application Programming Interface (API) is an interface that allows two or more computers to communicate with one another. It is an important part of the interaction between users and the back end. As a Back End Developer, you need to know how to create and maintain APIs.


Back end development often involves problem solving. For instance, you may need to figure out the best way to implement a website design idea, or you might need to get to the bottom of why a piece of code doesn’t work. Some of the problem-solving situations you encounter may be complex. You’ll need strong analytical skills to help you identify the problem and come up with potential solutions. Creativity is also an asset here. Many experienced Back End Developers stress that problem-solving is very common in this field, and they also stress that if you don’t like to fix problems, this may not be the right profession for you.


To work in back end development, you’ll need to have strong communication skills. You’re likely to use these skills often, since creating and maintaining a website is typically a team effort, and you’re likely to be communicating with team members regularly. For instance, you may need to communicate about what the specific vision is for a website and how best to achieve that vision. Communication is often required for problem-solving too. You’ll need both written and verbal communication skills to work in back end development.


A portfolio is an important part of finding a job as a Back End Developer. It showcases your best work and can help you demonstrate your skills to potential employers and clients. In an article titled, “How to Become a Back-End Developer in 8 Steps (Plus Skills),” Indeed discusses creating a back end portfolio. It says, “These can be projects you created for business, for yourself or while you were in school. Find a way to host these projects together, such as having one website that links to them all. Then include this link on your resume so that potential employers can view examples of your work.” It insists, “A strong portfolio is often a great way to impress employers, as it shows you are capable of creating back-end projects, which is sometimes challenging to communicate with just a resume or interview.” Your portfolio should be professional and polished, and should also showcase your unique style.

Resume & LinkedIn Profile

Another part of introducing yourself to employers or clients is through your resume and LinkedIn profile. These will often be the first thing that other people see, and can determine whether or not you have the opportunity to actually interview for the job, so they are important. They should contain your skills and experience, as they relate to the job. Indeed advises, “Start by creating a resume that highlights your best attributes related to back-end programming. It’s also a good idea to read through the job description and include any requirements listed by the employer, as this demonstrates you’re a good fit for the job and that you carefully read the job listing.” In most cases, your resume should not be longer than two pages. Your LinkedIn profile can be longer.


References are also important if you’re looking for a new job. They are people who can speak positively to potential employers about your skills and experience. They can also help give an employer a better understanding of your personality and your work style and ethics. Ideally, they will be people who work in back end development. References can also include teachers. You should not use friends or family members as a reference.

Learn the Skills to Become a Back End Developer at Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop offers a number of different classes designed for aspiring Back End Developers. Its course options include in-person and live online classes, in addition to a variety of flexible scheduling options such as part-time programs and courses that run on weeknights and weekends. All classes come with a certificate of completion and the option of a free retake within a year. Noble Desktop is based in New York City, and is licensed by the New York State Education Department.

  • The Full-Stack Web Development Certificate is a popular Noble Desktop offering. It covers both front end and back end web development. In this class, you’ll learn to code with HTML and CSS, in addition to learning JavaScript. The course also covers Node.js for web apps, MongoDB for working with databases, and Express.js for API development. Learning is project-based, and by the end of the course, you will have developed a portfolio of working web applications. The course comes with ten one-on-one mentoring sessions, which can be used for career support or extra help with challenging concepts. In 2024 it was awarded Best Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp by Forbes Advisor. 
  • The Python Developer Certificate covers all the skills that you’ll need to become a Python Developer. In 2024, it was awarded Best Python Bootcamp by Forbes Advisor. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Python, and you’ll also learn web development with Django and Django REST. In addition, you’ll learn about object-oriented programming, how to work with APIs, and how to use Git and SQL. You’ll also work on a portfolio of projects and receive guidance from the lead instructor. This class comes with four one-on-one mentoring sessions. Students should have basic HTML and CSS skills.
  • In the JavaScript Development Certificate, you’ll gain a variety of in-demand skills that will prepare you to work in web development with JavaScript. In addition to learning JavaScript, you’ll learn how to create web applications with React and Node.js, how to work with APIs, and how to incorporate third-party frameworks and libraries. You’ll also create a portfolio of projects. In order to take this class, you should have basic HTML and CSS skills. The class includes eight one-on-one mentoring sessions.
  • Another Noble option is the Software Engineering Certificate. This is a comprehensive, multi-week course. You’ll learn about front end development, React Development, and Django (Python) Development. This includes learning a variety of front end tools including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll also learn Flexbox and Grid for layout and adapting to different screen sizes, and Git for version control. As part of the course, you’ll create a working desktop application with React and deploy it using AWS. In addition, the course covers Python, including syntax, dictionaries, sorting algorithms, and custom functions. Finally, you’ll learn to use Django and Django Rest. Twelve one-on-one mentoring sessions are included, and you’ll also create a portfolio.

Noble Desktop also offers a number of shorter classes that only take a day or two to complete, where you can learn a smaller set of skills. For example, if you’re looking to improve your coding skills, Noble offers a short beginner class called Web Development with HTML & CSS, where you can learn to create webpages by coding with HTML and CSS. In this class, you’ll learn to use HTML to create webpages that have text and images. You’ll also learn to use CSS for styling content, creating centered page layouts, adding background images, style navigation, and for making responsive pages that adapt to various screen sizes. If you already know the basics of HTML and CSS, you might be more interested in Noble’s Advanced HTML and CSS class. This class covers a variety of advanced topics including SVG, CSS variables, gradients, shadows, positioning, transitions, transforms, and responsive images.