Top Courses at SALSAtlanta

Find the perfect course for you at SALSAtlanta. We’ve selected 6 of SALSAtlanta’s most popular courses. View the course catalog at

  • Cuban Ladies Styling

    This course in Atlanta is an opportunity to learn salsa styling tailored specifically for ladies. Find the confidence to move to Latin music on the social dance floor. Develop your style and learn how to effectively express your body through the language of dance.

    • Atlanta
    • $15
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • All Levels
  • Cuban Salsa Fundamentals

    In this course, participants will learn the Cuban style of salsa dancing from basic steps to more complex and challenging movements. The class will include instruction and practice on the right technique, leading and following, rhythm, and various spinning patterns. Instructors will also touch on some basic Afro-Cuban movements and musical elements.

    • Atlanta
    • $15
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Rueda Intermediate/Advanced

    This course is perfect for beginners and provides thorough instruction on the fundamentals of the salsa dance style. Learners will practice essential footwork, isolation techniques, and combinations while developing personal expression and style. Enjoy the upbeat atmosphere while learning from experienced instructors in a friendly and supportive environment.

    • Atlanta
    • $15
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • Intermediate
  • Rueda Beginners

    This beginner's class focused on the basics of Rueda, a form of group salsa dance that originated in Cuba. Participants will learn fundamental skills, including understanding the rhythm, lead and follow techniques, and basic Rueda calls and moves. The classes provide an interactive and vibrant atmosphere, accelerating individual and group learning.

    • Atlanta
    • $15
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • Beginner
  • Rueda Intermediate

    This course is designed for individuals familiar with salsa dancing and looking to elevate their skills to an intermediate level. With a focus on Rueda salsa, students will engage in progressive learning to master complex dance patterns, improve partnering techniques, and enhance rhythmic understanding. In addition to building on the physical aspects of salsa, the course also fosters the mental aptitude to comprehend salsa music and its relationship with dance movements.

    • Atlanta
    • $15
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • Intermediate
  • Rueda Advanced

    This advanced course offers an in-depth exploration of Rueda, a form of salsa dance. Participants will be able to learn complex dance moves, build upon their understanding of Cuban-style salsa, and engage in ensemble dancing. It's ideal for those who have mastered the basics and want to develop their skills further.

    • Atlanta
    • $15
    • 1 Hour
    • See provider
    • Advanced

showing 6 of 6 courses