Are Power BI Bootcamps Worth It?

Learn the highly sought-after data analysis tool, Microsoft Power BI, through various learning options tailored to your needs and schedule, including in-person and live online bootcamps. Acquire skills that open many professional doors and lead to upward career mobility in data-driven organizations like ExxonMobil and Walmart.

Key Insights

  • Microsoft Power BI is a scalable business intelligence platform used widely for data visualization and analysis, making it an essential tool for data-driven decision making in organizations of all sizes.
  • Learning Power BI through bootcamps provides hands-on training, preparing participants to immediately apply the skills they acquire in their jobs.
  • Bootcamps offer intensive Power BI training at a much lower cost and time commitment compared to traditional college or university programs.
  • Self-paced Power BI courses offer flexibility in learning speed and schedule, but lack the real-time instructor guidance and cohort support provided in bootcamps.
  • Free Power BI training resources, while cost-effective, may not provide comprehensive or up-to-date instruction, making it challenging for students to learn advanced skills.
  • Noble Desktop's Power BI Bootcamp and Data Analytics Certificate program offer comprehensive, project-based learning experiences with expert instruction and one-on-one mentoring.

Microsoft Power BI is a scalable business intelligence platform used to analyze and visualize data. This tool is used by organizations of all sizes to make data-driven decisions. 

Power BI remains a widely popular tool for a range of business-related data tasks. It helps users access large volumes of data contained in various sources, including data that can’t be opened in Excel. This platform’s interactive UX/UI features allow users to easily copy formatting from one visualization to another. It integrates seamlessly with Excel and can be used alongside Azure to analyze and share vast amounts of data. Power BI also has real-time stream analytics capabilities to gather data from different social media sources and sensors. In 2022, Microsoft was named the leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms for the 15th straight year.

Learning Power BI can open many professional doors and lead to upward career mobility. Companies around the globe, such as ExxonMobil and Walmart, rely on Power BI’s analytics capabilities. If you’re interested in studying this platform, a great way to do so is to enroll in a bootcamp. Bootcamps are available in-person and live online from many top educators. Participants receive hands-on training in how to analyze and visualize data with this software, as well as how to share their reports with others. Bootcamp study not only provides hands-on training with this platform, but this focused learning format also prepares participants to immediately apply the skills they acquire at their job. 

What is Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a group of business intelligence (BI) services and products that converts data from various sources into reports, visualizations, and interactive dashboards. This allows users to share data insights with others who work at their organization or to embed them onto a website or application. One of the main benefits of working with Power BI is that it integrates with other Microsoft services, products, and third-party platforms. Users can connect Power BI to Excel, Teams, SharePoint, and Exchange, among others.

Read more about what Power BI is and why you should learn it.

What Can You Do With Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI allows users to locate insights contained in an organization’s data. This software can easily connect to a range of disparate data sources like Excel spreadsheets, cloud-based data warehouses, or on-premises hybrid data warehouses. It is also used to clean data and transform it into a data model, as well as to create data visualizations like graphs or charts that visually depict insights. It allows users to share their work with other Power BI users within their organization, as well as external stakeholders.

Read more about what Power BI is and why you should learn it.

Power BI Bootcamp: Live & Hands-on, In NYC or Online, Learn From Experts, Free Retake, Small Class Sizes,  1-on-1 Bonus Training. Named a Top Bootcamp by Forbes, Fortune, & Time Out. Noble Desktop. Learn More.

Why Learn Power BI in a Bootcamp or Class?

Bootcamp study is one of the most effective ways to study Power BI. Through hands-on training in the small class environment, students learn core data skills like how to work with Power Query and create thorough intelligence reports. Participants can study in person or in the live online format. This training format allows those enrolled to ask questions as they arise and receive on-the-spot help. Those who study online can even share their screen with the instructor (with permission) for additional clarification. Unlike college or certificate programs, bootcamps offer an accelerated learning format in which practical instruction is provided in core Power BI skills over the course of several days. Students can often select whether they prefer to complete coursework full-time or to spread it out into shorter sessions as their schedules permit. 

Some bootcamps focus broadly on using Power BI, whereas others have a more specific focus and teach participants how to use this platform alongside Excel or provide instruction on how to work with Power BI online. In addition to live lessons, bootcamps provide learners with additional learning perks. Some programs offer setup assistance or allow students to retake the program for free for up to six months or one year. Other educational providers include professional services, such as career counseling, resume guidance, or help with the job search. Because of their combination of real-world training and professional support, bootcamp study is an excellent way for data professionals to master Power BI’s many data analytic and visualization features and learn how to apply these skills to their current job.

Another reason why bootcamp study is a popular training format to learn this skill is that it can take students from Power BI novices to experienced users in a relatively short time. Bootcamp study is available at all levels, which means that beginners and those with a background in data visualization can all find a bootcamp experience at an appropriate learning level. Depending on the provider and the length of study, bootcamps range in price but generally cost several hundred dollars.

Bootcamps Compared to College

Those who have committed to learning Power BI may wonder if it’s more effective to study this tool through a bootcamp or in a college setting. Deciding which format is best for you will depend on your schedule, your professional goals, and your budget.

College or university study is generally the most expensive. The average yearly cost of college study in the US is more than $35,000. Private, nonprofit universities can be even more expensive and cost nearly $55,000 annually to attend. This means that those who wish to learn Power BI in college may spend $140,000-$220,000 on their coursework. Bootcamps are much more affordable. These programs usually cost several hundred dollars and teach a range of real-world data analytics and visualization skills. 

It takes most people four years to complete their college degree. During this time, students take a range of courses, such as general education requirements in fields unrelated to data, such as history or English. Moreover, Power BI is not offered as a major, which means that those who wish to acquire training with this software have to select a field related to it, such as data analytics, which some universities offer. However, even within the data analytics major, only a portion of class time will focus exclusively on Power BI training. The rest will pertain to other data skills and tools, such as working with Excel or Tableau. Bootcamp study focuses on Power BI only. It allows students to devote their full effort to learning this software and to spend only days or weeks doing so. Once the bootcamp is complete, graduates can immediately apply their training in the professional setting.

Many Power BI bootcamps also provide participants with professional development that extends beyond coursework. Depending on the provider, those enrolled may receive career counseling or help with their resume or professional portfolio. College coursework, on the other hand, doesn’t involve professional development. For professionals seeking to learn Power BI skills to help them in their current job or to explore new career options, bootcamp study offers a condensed, focused, and largely affordable method for learning this in-demand tool.

Bootcamps Compared to Self-Paced Courses

In addition to bootcamps, Power BI instruction is also available through self-paced content. Whereas bootcamp instruction occurs in real-time, self-paced Power BI material is pre-recorded. Those who study Power BI through bootcamps have access to a live instructor who leads the class discussion, either in person or through a teleconferencing platform like Teams or Zoom. Students have the opportunity to ask questions in real-time and receive immediate feedback. Those studying live online can even share their screen with the instructor (with permission) to receive additional guidance on complicated Power BI skills. Because self-paced course content was recorded at an earlier time, this form of study doesn’t provide learners with a live instructor. Participants instead learn through a combination of video content, online tutorials and quizzes, and other training materials that were assembled at a prior time. 

One of the benefits of self-paced Power BI study is that it’s the most flexible way to learn this tool. Students can complete coursework any day and time that works with their schedule. They can study Power BI at home, while traveling, or anywhere else with the internet. Whereas those who learn Power BI through live instruction don’t have a say in the course’s pace, the self-paced format is designed to let students set their own learning speed. This may mean pausing or rewinding a lesson multiple times to facilitate note-taking or rewatching an entire video to reinforce a data visualization concept. Students who decide to study through bootcamps have the support of a cohort of learners and an instructor with real-world Power BI training. On the other hand, those who opt for self-paced study must be self-motivated to complete their studies independently, without formal deadlines or structured meeting times.

Self-paced coursework takes many forms. Some content, such as YouTube videos, may focus on a specific Power BI skill, such as connecting datasets, and take only minutes to complete. Other content is more comprehensive and comprises a longer course that provides an overview of this platform, as well as its interface and basic features. Because so much asynchronous content is available online, it’s essential to research the provider and ensure that the material is current and at the appropriate learning level for your needs. 

Self-paced Power BI study is generally a more affordable learning option than bootcamps. Some are available for under a hundred dollars; other resources are available for free. While bootcamps can be much more expensive, along with the additional investment comes a more structured learning environment. Students have the chance to network with peers, connect with an instructor, and even receive career support or other perks, depending on the provider. Self-paced Power BI material can be a great starting point in your journey to learn this tool. However, if you’re studying Power BI for professional reasons, such as to be considered for a new position or to perform a specific task at your current job, live coursework may ultimately be a more effective way to master this software’s more advanced features and apply them professionally.

Bootcamps Compared to Free Training Options

Free Power BI training is another resource some individuals opt for when learning Power BI. Free content like videos, online blogs, and tutorials is available from many providers. These materials are pre-recorded. Students can choose one or several free resources and focus their study on the Power BI skills they most need to acquire rather than wasting time on those they will not use. Some free content spans hours and offers a comprehensive overview of data analytics and data visualization, as well as how Power BI can be used when working with data. Other free resources, like YouTube videos, are several minutes long and are devoted to one skill, like connecting datasets. 

As is the case with all self-paced material, free Power BI training doesn’t include real-time access to an instructor. This means that learners will need to find answers to any questions they have on their own. Because so much Power BI information is available online, learners also must ensure that the free training content they select is up-to-date and reflects the current best practices when working with this software. While free training material provides a low-stakes way to begin exploring Power BI, it may be challenging for students to learn advanced skills in this format since no instructor is present. Ultimately, enrolling in a live skills class or bootcamp may be necessary to become proficient in a range of Power BI skills.

Learn Power BI Skills with Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop's Power BI Bootcamp is a project-based course that prepares students to use Power Query. Students work with different case studies to learn how to work with various Power BI capabilities and this tool’s DAX language for creating visualizations based on their data. Another excellent learning option for those interested in working with Power BI is Noble’s Data Analytics Certificate. Those enrolled in this intensive course complete real-world projects using Microsoft Excel, Python, SQL, and Tableau and have the option of taking the Power BI Bootcamp for free. All students receive instruction from an expert instructor and one-on-one mentoring.

Key Takeaways

  • Those who are interested in studying Microsoft Power BI have various learning options to help with their studies. Bootcamps are available in-person and live online and provide participants with training to help them professionally.
  • Unlike college programs that take four years to complete and cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, bootcamps can often be completed in just a few days or weeks and cost a fraction of the price.
  • In addition to synchronous Power BI training materials like live online bootcamps and in-person classes, asynchronous training material is also available. Self-paced material like videos and tutorials is pre-recorded and allows students to select their own learning pace and schedule.
  • If you’re interested in studying Power BI, Noble Desktop offers a range of in-person and live online coursework that provides comprehensive training and hands-on instruction.

How to Learn Power BI

Master Power BI with hands-on training. Power BI is a business intelligence tool made by Microsoft that is used to create dashboards and other data visualizations.

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